My petty grudges are just that, petty.
No one texts me with bad news to cheer me up.
They’re not those kind of grudges.
Mine get settled without my help.
That’s what makes them petty.
For instance:
The University of Miami lost to Syracuse.
I wanted them to lose because of the way their coach used the University of Oregon as a stepping stone for the Miami job.
Mario Cristobal had a good run at Oregon, but quit when his ‘dream job’ came up.
The coach before him also left for his dream job at Florida State.
Since then Oregon has figured out the problem with ‘dream jobs’ and coaches.
Bruce Springsteen did the same with his band: Only bring in people with no place to go.
Mario went back to the college where he played under Jimmy Johnson, who left to go to the Dallas Cowboys.
I wouldn’t hold a petty grudge if Cristobal had gone to the Cowboys, but Miami? Come on.
If he had brought Jimmy Johnson to Eugene to fire up the Oregon Ducks before a big game, I’d feel different.
Why didn’t he? I would have.
And if he and Jimmy had a good relationship, it would have happened.
For being a disloyal Duck, thank you Coach Cristobal.
Don’t blow it with the Hurricanes. Invite Jimmy over.
Petty Grudge #2
Chip Kelly’s five years at Oregon ended when he flew off to Philadelphia.
He was bound to be a big hit, a college coach who makes a big splash.
But his big splash was more of a Ker-plop you hear in a porto-potty with a long drop.
His style didn’t translate from boys to men.
Hardened NFL veterans didn’t want their sleep and food monitored by the top Eagle.
Kelly started sliding, first to the 49ers, then UCLA.
He’s no longer a head coach, but an offensive coordinator with old pal Ryan Day at Ohio State, THE Ohio State in case you were wondering which one.
They brought their buckeye flower show to Autzen and left with a one point loss, which should be enough to settle petty grudges.
But it was more than a one point loss, more than a game fought tooth and nail for fifty-nine minutes and fifty-seven seconds then settled on the foot of a kicker in a clean uniform.
The smart guys, the innovative guys, the creative guys, got schooled by the new top Duck.
After that the whiz kids complained to the Big10.
On Tuesday, Ohio State head coach Ryan Day revealed that he submitted an appeal to the Big Ten on the final play, claiming he called a timeout with one second remaining on the clock after quarterback Will Howard slid.
The Big Ten ruled that there was no longer time remaining on the clock and that the game had ended, which is what the real-time call was.
The game is far enough removed that it doesn’t quite matter and one loss isn’t as detrimental to the program as it might have used to be.
For the thumping the Ducks took from Ohio State in the 2014 finals, their third string quarterback running wild and the following scandals with their skeevy coach at the time, Ohio State had to lose.
Thank you coaches Day and Kelly.
Petty Grudges Don’t Hurt Anyone
If you’ve got an ex to grind, I mean an axe to grind, do it quietly.
Don’t allow some minor thing ruin your life.
Instead of drinking too much, gambling over your limit, then drinking more and gambling more because someone doing something made you angry, calm the hell down.
Don’t drive too fast, lash out too harshly, or talk down to everyone you meet.
Settle down with a petty grudge instead.
Try thinking about a neighbor:
For all I’ve done for them and this is what I get in return?
Try thinking about a friend:
For all I’ve done for them, and they do this?
Think about a family member:
I’ve done everything for them, but they don’t remember.
If any of that sounds like you, you might be the problem and might want to talk to someone. Or . . .
Skip thinking about family, friends, and neighbors and start making petty grudges against college football teams.
Start with Alabama and how deserving they are of being the first three loss Tide team since 2010, and the first to win the national championship.
Put them in the finals against Boise State or Notre Dame, Miami or Indiana, Brigham Young, and see what happens.
At their best, Alabama is the king of college football, and as such deserves more respect for their prestige program.
I say this for how the Tide rolled over Auburn, the cheater team that skinned Oregon out of a national championship in 2010.
This is the time of year to put old harbored grudges aside and focus on petty grudges.
Now that it’s Oregon v Penn State in the Big10 championship game I’m ready to let go of a grudge.
I’ve felt that Penn State should have been given the SMU ‘death sentence‘.
For the sake of blogger honesty, I’ve already let go of my Penn State grudge, but Oregon wins all the way.
I’d better get my ‘Go Ducks’ text this week or there’s going to be a new grudge. (Hey Rob)