The Family Crest
Just blame the Doug Fir Lounge, Tevor Sensor, and The Family Crest.
Feeling better? You will.
In a furnace showcase for a venue ten times the size, The Family Crest torched East Burnside from the Doug Fir Lounge.
They added a new twist to performance art in their show.
Trombone, cello, violin, and a flute all on a showcase stage at the same time? Dangerous, but, not one injury time out.
Even after coming off a European road trip they didn’t look like they hated each other.
Trevor Sensor opened in long set that he counted down to the crowd.
“Two more songs.”
No one cheered. A good sign. He went off big.
In a voice that forces you to listen, to feel, he roamed the stage in what’s becoming too common to be a coincidence.
Sensor, along with everyone in The Family Crest, practice basketball moves as stagecraft.
Their sonic performance art is a ballet of jab steps and euro-steps.
What looks like possible drunken stumbling to the un-trained eye is actually next level choreography.
Think James Brown dance moves. He signaled his band with every twist and shout, wave and kick.
Bruuuuuuce gets some of the same credit.
Over-Populated Portland needs to ban these shows.
They draw fans to their super-charged show, but take it one more big step for Band-Kind.
They play where over-populated Portland catches a rising star.
Memories of The Eagles playing the old Paramount, missing Tina Turner’s comeback s how at the old Starry Night – Roseland, Queen inside the pressure cooker of a small, unfilled, venue.
They all had a venue to shine their magic in the guts of the city, and make life a little brighter.
This ought to be a target for over-populated Portland.
In a believable log cabin, except for the cushion logs, Doug Fir is an open Portland invite to see what’s never been seen, hear what’s never been heard.
You can’t complain about, ‘everything is the same, there’s no heart and soul,’ if you wait for it to come to you.
Look around you and find a reason to believe.
Here’s The Family Crest burning hot.
For too many, this is the promise of a Portland move.
[…] The pick to see The Family Crest show was inspired. […]