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An Oregon beach isn’t for everyone, especially a winter beach.
But somehow people show up.
They show up bundled, water-proofed, and ready to go.
But to where?
Some beaches you drive to, get out, walk around, and leave.
There’s the waves, the sand, the driftwood.
In other words a beach, a stretch of sand, a ridge of sea grass.
An Oregon beach is more active with the tide changes, the big waves crashing on cliffs and rocks, and pulling it all back.
You definitely get the idea of watching your step, watching for a sneaker wave, a tsunami, a whale.
And you might see something you like.


I Like Seeing The Beach People

These people are not wearing swimsuits in case they get the urge to merge with the Pacific Ocean.
It’s cold, late in the day, with the sun just dipping under the horizon.
The clarity is the difference on an Oregon beach.
A clear day, twenty mile view, and Haystack Rock sitting in sharp relief is a gift.
All you need to do is drop any beach expectations from other trips and bask away.
It’s not that friendly a beach, more of a worker, with crab boats with their lights on all night.
It’s a tourist beach, but there’s something more: a sense of time, of timelessness.
For people who travel a great distance to see the ocean for the first time, it’s spectacular.
Warm water ocean people are not big fans.
Neither are beach fisherman or clam diggers.
Still, people love this little beach. Why?


The Beach Light 

The crowd dwindles to the last of the hearty waiting out the day to the very end.
After that they go someplace and warm up.
Who will be the last one standing?

Since it’s an Oregon beach, it’s someone and their dog.
Dogs and beach go hand in hand, or leash in hand since my dog runs off.
I’ve come here over the years with my wife, who grew up with warm ocean water.
She made the transition.


Show Up Ready To Roll

The beach means more here.
I figured out why: it’s the light.
I’ve seen the light in Paris, The City of Light.
Now it’s Cannon Beach, The City of Light, on a clear day.
One day, two days, three days, four, it’s all about the light and so much more.
Sing the song, dance the dance.
The dog looks ready to lead.



About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.