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spanx for men

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Firm older men? Or spanx?


Powerful men enjoy feeling powerful.

They wear power suits and power ties.

Power drinks and power meetings rule their world.

But even older men can’t overpower age and the effects of aging.

Not. Going. To. Happen.


But spanx helps.

Slip into one of those rigs and feel the firm. Older monied men like firm the way they like trophy wives.

A story about Frank Sinatra came out in one of the unauthorized biographies.

He was in the ocean, enjoying the waves when he went under.

Luckily one of his bodyguards saw him and reacted.

Frank survived the ocean, but the body guard had problems.

He said Frank had no muscle tone, no firmness, just a sack of skin over bones.

That’s young people talk for seniors, but Frank was no average senior.

Instead, he was an embarrassed senior.

Looked good onstage, but a regular old guy in a swimsuit at the beach.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. Unless you’ve got an image of yourself in the world of older men as exceptionally fit.

A seventy year old junk food loving man who enjoys portraying a fierce image of power needs help older men seek.

Instead of the workout, get the spanks for men, older men.

No one needs to know. You will know, but keep it quiet.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.