Looking For A Baby Boomer Retirement Income?
The beauty of bronze statues comes at a cost.
You’ve seen the price tag in a gallery and wondered, “Why so much?”
You’re not alone. Continue reading to find how you can get a cut of the bronze action.
Notice the difference between the top image and this one? It’s the color.
Once you learn when to add paint and blow torch it in, or heat up the piece then paint, you’re on your way.
The pros in the foundry are superstars. Would you look twice at a piece that was intricately made, then painted in Jackson Pollock splatter style?
Large or small, bronze art gets the same treatment.
If it’s your work, or someone else’s, the details show in the casting.
Once they’re welded together and smoothed out, it looks like art.
Who thinks of the smelter while they slow-walk a gallery with their wine glass?
Baby boomers do because they’re old enough to think they should know more by now.
The big question for a home business in bronze is, “Do you really want molten metal in your garage?”
You’re seeing the process in reverse on this post.
Does this look like the sort of art to swoon over?
You won’t see the sand covered casting on any mantle, but that’s part of the game.
The steps in lost wax casting seem formidable at first and don’t get any easier.
The quality of the piece depends on following the ancient process.
Once you start your bronze business you’ll tell your friends, “I can’t go out tonight, I’m in the foundry.”
They’ll understand.
You’re looking at the wax rendering of a sculpture.
It’s a perfect replica of the original ready for the treatment.
How many statues will come from this? As many as it takes.
The wax buckets come in two varieties, harder and softer.
The greater the detail in the piece, the softer the wax to fill every crease.
Do you have room in garage for the wax? In the kitchen?
Parks Bronze in Enterprise, Oregon has a brochure outlining the very steps you’ll need for your foundry.
Why are they so comfortable in giving away the secrets? Because they know what it takes to make art come alive.
They also know it’s not a job for hobbyists. But Boomers will try anything.
These are the professional steps: 1. Make a mother mold of the art in rubber. 2. Pour the wax. 3. Clean up the seams. 4. Spruing. 5. Slurry. 6. Lost Wax Casting. 7. Metal pouring. 8. Shell removal. 9. Metal chasing. 10. Quality control. 11. Patina. 12. Basing and shipping.
Follow the steps and your boomer business will take another direction. You don’t want to burn down the house or store the mother-molds? That’s part of the deal.
Parks Bronze stores their molds on shelves in the foundry, in off-site storage units, and in over twenty semi-trucks.
It all spells commitment, Boomer. Do this at home and think of all the new relationships you’ll enjoy. You’ll meet artists, material sales people, and emergency crews while you learn the ropes.
Will you end up with a herd of big horn sheep? Elk? An army of Samurai horsemen?
Why not let the crew at Parks Bronze handle this.
If you’re still looking for an art business, study Jackson Pollock.
And have fun.
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