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nosy one

Who’s the nosy one in your circle of people?

Do they still have their noses? If they do, maybe they’re not nosy enough; that’s where we come in.

Being the nosy one means asking questions that don’t get asked often enough, and it’s not, “How about those Yankees?”

Before your world investigation starts, focus a little closer to home.

Here’s a question to ask yourself: “How’m I feeling?”

If you answer your own question with, “fine,” maybe dig a little deeper. Something like this:

You: How’m I doing?

You: I’ve got ideas and goals I’m working toward.

You: How’m I doing?

You: I’m late, I’m behind, I’m not good enough. I’ll never catch up.

The difference between the two? Most people edge toward one more than the other, but it’s hard looking at successful people and seeing any doubts.

But they have them, just like you, just like me, and just like everyone we know.

Why not be honest with a good look in the mirror? While you’re looking, try saying these special words:

“I am trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.”

Sound familiar? They are if you’ve been a Boy Scout, or had a Boy Scout in the family. Aside from current opinion, those are twelve virtues to embody.

Be The Nosy One

While you’re in front of the mirror, do an inventory of your face. Nice face? Relaxed face? What about that tiny skin thing that keeps coming back? Maybe get it checked out, maybe not?

If you don’t take blogger advice, if you believe bloggers are minor-league bullshitters of fake this and fake that, this isn’t that blog, isn’t that blogger.

Long time readers and blog subscribes know the drill: I am a writing production machine tagging topics near and far.

So take this blogger advice: If you’ve got a little skin issue on your face, have it checked. Know what I’m saying? Get it checked. If it’s nothing more than annoying, here’s an idea.

One more time: Get yourself in front of your doctor and ask them to take a hard, hard, look at your face. If they refer you to a dermatologist, make the appointment. Look, it’s nothing to worry about until then. Probably nothing.

Better to know, then not know? If you don’t know, now you know.

Got a tiny biopsy bandaid on my cheek here.

And then: Yikes!

Are you the nosy one in your group? If not, be the nosy one when you’re with them; tell them to check out this post. I’ve done the work, now it’s your turn.

(Give special thanks to your favorite nosy people, instead of telling them to mind their own damn business. They’re nosy because they care, and that’s not a bad thing. Thank you, Sheila. )

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.