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white house

Preparing the angry White House.

How to tell if an angry man moves into an angry White House?

It’s not because so many edited pictures show him mouthing either “F” or a “U.”

That’s simply bad journalism, a smear, sour grapes.

No one carries around a resting “F” face followed by a resting “U” face.

Even the most hostile vocabulary needs more than a constant F U.

Check some under-educated vocabularies for their reliance on F and U.

Even a cheeky fourth grader testing how far the word ‘chickenflucker’ flies knows this.

Angry men have angry man friends. That’s a sure tell.

All of those angry faces captured by the media? It’s showmanship.

If you don’t know stagecraft by now, you’ve got a problem, a big horrific problem.

It’s acting chops displayed by a master thespian the media scoops up.

And about that print media, if they were any good at their job, at least as good as the president-elect, they’d be on television like him.

Instead, they’re stuck in a room somewhere tapping on a keyboard, not in a dressing room getting prepped for their close-up.


white house

Image via DG Studio


Eventually we’ll get used to seeing a new embossed seal from the White House.

Replacing the shielded eagle with an olive branch in one talon, arrows in the other, we’ll see an angry face in profile.

Yes, a profile, a profile in courage.

The symbol needs an update for an angry White House. No one elected Caspar Milquetoast to make America great again.

“Speak softly and get hit with a big stick” won’t get ‘er done.

So where does this anger come from? The anger the angry president-elect tapped for votes comes from a base of anger.

Why anger? Imagine growing up with the dream of playing professional sports. Work out, practice, play games, practice some more, work out again.

It’s not a job, it’s a dream, and that dream got bashed hard when you decided against college.

No college for you because it’s a waste of time. All college is is getting warehoused a few years listening to old people drone on about things you don’t care about.

Just give me the ball. But you didn’t get the ball.

Everyone you see in the NFL has more college than you. They think they’re better than you.

And they are.

They’re also bigger, faster, stronger. And smarter. They marry prettier women than you, too. Drive a better car and live in nicer neighborhoods.

That ought to make everyone angry, especially when an angry cheerleader-elect drives it home, that anger is good.

If that’s you, you’re just great.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.


  1. Mark Mullins says

    Ohhhh, Dave, I laughed out loud. such fun, . . . and just great

    • David Gillaspie says

      What do suppose it’ll take for true believers to see through the idea that a billionaire who surrounds himself with money guys don’t have their best interest in mind.

      Then add a group of washed out generals into the mix. You end up with old men trying to one-up each other. Billionaires do things generals can’t do, and generals need to prove their command is still strong.

      What do you do when a man says tapping on ladies in the seventies was his personal Vietnam, that he looks at Senator John McCain as less because he got shot down and captured, and the claim that he’s smarter than generals regarding military actions.

      He’s bringing in generals to show who’s the boss. He’ll retire them again on a whim. That’s his choice. What gets me is these generals going along with it. The opportunity is too great? The ego needs to binge on administrative chow?

      So far my favorite is General David Patraeus.