Why Baby Boomers Need A Millennial Apology.
1. We’re sorry our music is so lame we have listen to classic rock.
- Who really supports the Stones and Rod Stewart in concert?
2. We’re sorry for thinking we’re smart enough to run the world in our 20’s.
- We’d be better at it but I’ve got online video game commitments, dude.
3. We’re sorry so many movies are about your comics.
- The new Batman? They’re all new.
4. We’re sorry we didn’t read Todd Gitlin’s Years Of Hope, Days Of Rage and probably won’t read any other Days Of Rage. Don’t rage, be happy.
- Days of rage, or days of trying to score hippie chicks while you pretended to rage?
5. We’re sorry we broke everything we touched, even if we didn’t touch anything.
- It’s a sharing community, bro. Break it and buy it? No. Break it and return it like it wasn’t broken.
6. About that complaining all the time? We’re sorry.
- The world is supposed to be better after the Boomers leave, not worse. Come on, man.
7. We’re sorry you’re getting older and more in the way.
- I may not be able to lift your jock, your 401K, or win the war, but neither did you.
8. We’re sorry we didn’t organize a protest that swept the nation and ended the wars in Iraq and the ‘stan.
- Protest what? The volunteer Army? They knew what to expect going in. Didn’t they? They didn’t? Well it’s too late now.
9. We’re sorry we fell into the tuition trap and struggle to keep up.
- We believe in higher education, you know, high and education? Look at the Oregon results. Someone is too high.
10. We’re sorry we thought you were stupid when you said money doesn’t grow on trees.
- Yeah, money doesn’t grow on trees. Cars don’t fill themselves full of gas. And freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose. We know now, Bobbi.