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mesa arizona

Mesa Arizona is not fly-over country, but it might be drive-through country.

It’s the sort of place between where you are and where you want to go.

Oddly enough, not everyone shares this back-water idea.

Mesa Arizona is a backwater? Not with the Salt River flowing nearby.

And not with Legacy Sports and Bell Bank Park.

If you are the parent of an athlete who shows promise, you know Mesa.

It’s a sporty place with training facilities for all levels.

But it’s also got an image problem for the new folks in town.

Not every street in town is shiny and new with sparkling steel and glass glowing in the night.

However, if that’s what you’re looking for, you’ll find that too.

Mesa Arizona Slum Lords

On the other side of the tracks, the working people side, are men and women hustling for a better future.

They find space to lease, set up shop, and work to make their’s a better place.

From mechanics to upholsterers, welders to recyclers, from garage to commercial space, they get up every Arizona morning no matter how hot, how blazing hot, how walking on the sun hot, and open up for the day’s business.

These are people who sweat it out on the Mesa mean streets, not dashing from one air conditioned interior to the next in their air conditioned car.

Instead, they work in swamp cooler shops and warehouses. They meet customers, make bids, and deliver on contracts.

If you don’t know these people, or people like them, they are goddamn heroes of the American Way.

And if you don’t use their services, you’ll never meet them and never know how much harder life is for them. But, they keep rolling, not complaining, and delivering their best to their customers.

On top of paying a lease, taxes, and materials they work with, there is also Common Area Maintenance, or CAM, fees.

Property improves when business owners buy into the dream of working together.

Who is the ringleader?

The Property Manager

They are the onsite decision maker for daily problems, the connection to remedies if the problem grows too big.

With a boss property manager, one who can see through the bullshit without making it into a crime scene, things get better and better.

How do you convince someone to do extra work to improve conditions for everyone else? That’s the magic of the BPM, the Boss Property Manager.

Visitors and passers by never see any of this. They don’t see where things began, how they started to rise, and the strategy of getting people to agree.

If you’re thinking this is executive level action, you’d be right.

What Mesa Arizona Needs Next

If you fly into Sky Harbor, book a room at the Mesa Hyatt, and take your kid to baseball clinics at Bell Bank Park, you’ll leave with memories for a lifetime.

Most important, your kid will know you gave him a chance to make the most of his athletic gifts.

Bell Bank Park, powered by Legacy Sports USA is a 320 acre World Class family sports and entertainment park. The one-of-a-kind park features a 3,000 seat outdoor stadium, eSports arena, indoor arena, (35) soccer/lacrosse/football fields, (57) indoor volleyball courts, (8) baseball & Adult Softball fields and (16) fastpitch softball and little league baseball fields, (19) basketball courts, (41) pickleball courts, (12) beach volleyball courts, Obstacle Course Racing Park, (22) indoor soccer courts, Gymnastics Center, Dance Studio, Cheer Center, Sports Performance Center, Family Fitness Center, Wellness Center, Kids Play Center, 2.7 acre Great Lawn for concerts and events, 17,000sqft Sports Restaurant and Bar and so much more.

And So Much More? Like What

The Trump show came to town and set up at Bell Bank Park.

This is the undercurrent that’s out of sight in Mesa.

Out of sight probably isn’t the best expression given that a former news lady is in the news for her governor’s campaign.

That June, she declared a bid for governor of Arizona. Unlike other Republicans, Lake said, she would kowtow to nobody and nothing—not the would-be election fraudsters of the Democratic Party, not the federal government’s mandates, and certainly not the radical left. She quickly earned Donald Trump’s endorsement, began paying visits to Mar-a-Lago, and started speaking alongside the former president at rallies—he’s joining her on the stump in Mesa today. 

The governor of Mississippi won his election by promising to work with Trump. How is it going so far?

Mississippi is the poorest U.S. state, with 18.8% of its residents living in poverty. The state also has the highest child poverty rate, with 27.9% of its under-18 population meeting federal poverty guidelines. Fifteen percent of residents are food insecure. The median household income in the state is $44,966, the lowest in the country. Unfortunately, Mississippi also has the country’s highest obesity rate, at 40.8%, and the lowest life expectancy of 74.4 years.


Arizona’s current republican governor is doing better than Mississippi.

A new report comparing state economies ranks Arizona no. 1 for economic performance over the last decade. The latest Rich States, Poor States analysis from the American Legislative Exchange Council gave Arizona the highest marks in the country in its annual ranking based on the state’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), population, and job growth. This year’s survey is the first time Arizona ranked no. 1 for economic performance.

“Governor Ducey and our legislators deserve immense credit for advancing policies that have made Arizona the best place for business and innovation anywhere in the country,” said Sandra Watson, President and CEO of the Arizona Commerce Authority. “With advanced industries such as semiconductors, electric vehicles, batteries, medical technology and more surging, we look forward to continue driving economic growth in all parts of our state.”

The new top republican candidate sounds too much like Ol’ Tate down south working for Trump.

Lake has run a slashing, pro-Trump campaign, this week releasing a new ad in which she declares that as governor she would “finish President Trump’s wall.” During a televised debate last week, Lake asked her rival candidates whether they agreed with her that the election “corrupt” and “stolen”; her campaign later said it was “sickening” that Robson refused to say so.


When a camera ready political candidate shows up with a disgraced failure, get the soap and water ready.

If the optics matter to you more than the reality, bring two towels for that cleansing shower.

When media inventions take center stage in front of dazed and confused crowd assembling to hear the same message they’ve heard for two years, get a shower.

Where too many people complain about lack of motivation to get out of the house, crowds gather for Trump, even in Mesa Arizona.

Was it a hot show, or a hot mess?

Was the love palpable? Love was in the air?

Here’s an idea about love, real love, love you can feel, love you can embrace:

It’s quite a job starting to love somebody. You have to have energy, generosity, blindness. There is even a moment, in the very beginning, when you have to jump across a precipice: if you think about it you don’t do it. ~Jean-Paul Sartre

I’m thinking about a Mesa Arizona shower for Bell Bank Park.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.