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Dutch says the more man-scaping the better. Career move or bad habit? image via

Is any Man-scaping that important? To who?

Shapely well-turned legs are a standard on all fashion runways.

Their smooth look means one thing, a terrific shaver.

No nicks or cuts in high fashion lady-scaping.

You’ve seen the ‘model’ walk? They walk a different walk.

Maybe it’s the shoes? An anatomical anomaly?

They walk a line like a Flying Wallenda on the family tightrope.

Fashion photographers use their flash in low light, but high fashion models have their own flash of electricity that jolts everyone in the room.

Part of the show.

Hair standing on end is normal.

Then there’s the opposite end: man-scaping guy in the sauna.

A statement of weirdness, or symbol of independence?

Saunas work two things better than any room.

First is a reputation for sweating out the body and soul through extreme heat.

The other is a chance to talk about the spirit cleaner once they leave.

If you talk to someone in the middle of their spirit cleaning routine, you upset their balance; it’s best talking behind their back.

One man came in and started hitting yoga poses, a sure sign of extra spirit.

If you doubt it, tie yourself in a knot and try to get loose while you pray. You’ll feel the spirit.

This man moved from yoga to what seems like a series of voluntary convulsions.

He also moved with alopecia, a disease that leaves people as hairless as a balloon, or a fashion model’s leg.

After he shook out his last demon, he left. Wonder circled the sauna.

“What the hell was that?”

“Never seen anything like it.”

“I couldn’t do those moves if I was triple jointed.”

One sauna woman took a different tack.  “A shaver. A guy who shaves his body isn’t someone you’ll ever figure out.”

“How do know he shaves? Maybe he’s got that hairless disease, aloe vera.”

“I checked. He had hairy knuckles.”

“So he’s a shaver, but not a knuckle shaver?”

“Everyone draws the line somewhere.”

“I don’t want to know.”

A hairy legged guy on the top bench listened, then opened up.

“I start shaving in about two months,” he said.

“Shaving what?”

“My legs. I’m a bike rider. A racer. Shaving is what everyone does. We all shave.”


The room went quiet, except for the woman.

“Okay, Lance. I can understand a big-headed guy wearing a teardrop helmet for better time, but how much resistance does a leg hair create. I’ve always found that argument weak.”

“A psychological thing?” someone asked.

“Fashion?” asked another.

“Fetish?” asked the woman.

“Man-scaping hang up. Heard it’s going around.”

“Are you a plucker, too?”

The man heard enough.

“None of that,” he said. “When you crash a bike going thirty miles an hour, like I did last year, you get road rash. If you don’t shave your legs before you crash, you drive dirt and hair and stuff into an open wound. That spells infection. A clean shave on a biker leg is easier to clean up and gets you back on the saddle sooner.”

“So it’s first aid?” the lady asked. “It’s about hygiene?”

“That’s right.”

“Do you like doing it? The man-scaping?”

“It’s just another thing,” he said. “If I didn’t have to, I wouldn’t. See, there’s two types of biker, those who have crashed, and those who will crash. It’s part of the game. I crashed on a slick spot on the second to last turn of a race I was winning. I was ahead when I skidded and broke my collarbone and skinned my down leg from ankle to hip. I couldn’t do much about the broken bones, but I was glad I didn’t get an infection on the road rash.”

He looked at his watch and left the sauna.

The woman smiled. “The real question is, does he ride a bike as an excuse to man-scape like a super model?”



“If he doesn’t do it in the off-season, I’d say no,” one of the guys said.

“Do super models have an off-season?”

“Yes, a permanent off-season.  It’s called getting old.”

“Older than you?”

“Maybe, but I’m getting better. That’s the sauna difference.”

They all let that sink in.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.