National Puppy Day Or National Daisy Day?
Real dog people know the deal: Every dog has it’s day, and for their dog it’s every day.
For everyone else, National Puppy Day is a starter.
Dog people have dog history over them.
It’s usually history with the twists and turns you’d expect from family members.
And that’s why dog people are the way they are.
Daisy the miniature dachshund showed up around here as a puppy small enough to hold in one hand with room to spare.
Tiny thing, which is why they’re called miniature. I figured that one out by myself.
We bought her from a private breeder, the runt of the litter. Also the last of bunch, so the choice was easy. Daisy or nothing.
At the time she lived with her momma in a Sandy garage. Their kennel included a Harley Davidson.
What would you name a dog born next to a Harley?
She started out as Harley. An hour after getting her home she was Daisy.
This tiny critter brought a new light to the house. She was a companion for my Parkinson’s stricken father in law.
His last dog was a Great Dane named Satan.
Daisy had the perfect attitude for Grandpa Ken. She sat on his lap quietly when he took up residence on his lift chair.
She bonded to him until the end, then to my mother in law.
She’s still a puppy at fourteen years old.
After my mother in law passed all of her friends were worried Daisy might lose her way.
With a little more attention she weathered the changes in her life better than we did.
The rest of the family bonded to this little dog, a reminder of days gone by.
And that’s what makes National Puppy Day work.
Every new dog in a family begins a journey.
We never think how it will end any more than we think of our own endings.
All we do is live life together.