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lifetime awards

When do lifetime awards start pouring in?

Angry Boomers say Millennials got too many awards already, trophy after trophy for signing up on soccer, indoor soccer, basketball, baseball, and football teams.

And they are right. So what?

Who has a problem with a kid trophy? It might be the only one they’ll get if they have a bad youth coach who ruins sports like their dad did for them.

Instead of seasonal trophies, lifetime awards come after a lifetime of effort, of achievement, and hopefully given before death.

It’s a timing thing and it goes fast.

Way back in the day Old Joe retired from the lead mine and got a gold watch after putting in his twenty years.

Back then Old Joe was forty years old. A rocking chair at forty seems early now, but things were different. People got worked to death, or fired.

They got their lifetime awards before their health failed completely and they couldn’t raise one last beer with the boys on the way out.

New York Yankee legend Mickey Mantle once said, “If I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself.”

Isn’t it always a good time to take better care?


Vision Award

Zoomers need to embrace their generational stereotypes so hard that they crush them. There’s nothing worse than new generations getting hammered with the same weak complaints used against the one before.

Pampered? Soft? Entitled? Lazy? Fat? Ugly? It’s called life.

Zoomers get the Vision Award when they look past labels and find reality.

History Quiz: Are all of the people who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 insurrectionists? Or just a few?

Blame Award

Millennials sweep the Blame Award as they should. They are a huge generation, the biggest, and they see a depleted future.

Their numbers alone ruin the curve of achieving the American Dream, but this is a group with hope.

Hope #1 is more Baby Boomers retiring out of the top paying jobs so some over-confident snot-nosed kids can come in and run the show with more efficiency and higher returns.

History Quiz: Are all of the people who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 insurrectionists? Or just a few?

Forgotten Award

Gen X, the Korean War of generations, wins every year. The new Silents do it quietly.

Sandwiched between Millennials and Boomers, Gen X feels like off-brand cheddar in a three cheese bag.

They ought to combine with Late Boomers, born ’58-’64 vintage, because they share more than they do with early and middle boomers.

History Quiz: Are all of the people who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 insurrectionists? Or just a few?

Change Award

Baby Boomers get the Change Award for resisting change as hard as they can.

Let’s review: Millennials complain about Boomers hanging on to the best jobs and putting a ceiling over them.

The big job Boomers hold in their death grip are also big contributors to local and national politicians who vote on policies that help the big company and industry.

The Change Award winning moment: Big Business courts congressmen and women who have their own needs, #1 being re-election.

That could mean some gerrymandering.

Gerrymandering is when a political group tries to change a voting district to create a result that helps them or hurts the group who is against them.

Could mean some voter suppression.

Voter Suppression. -voter suppression is a strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from voting. -historically it targets African Americans, minorities, low income.

All of this work takes big money and big approval from the top.

Who do you think is in these big jobs signing checks and giving approval?

OK, Boomer, give up? Still too early?

History Quiz answer: Yes, the people who stormed the Capitol are civilian insurrectionists, but not in the same league as the elected insurrectionists.

Lifetime Awards for the people who put themselves between doing what’s right and staying safe. It’s an achievement award given too late for some.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.