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Life enhancing, like everything else, is different for everyone.
For some it’s being an online social influencer, and it’s hard work for those guys.
They get up at four in the morning, take a cold shower, and hang upside down on their custom inversion table.
Why? More blood to the brain. But you knew that.

From there they get online and talk about how much money they make by laying out their plan for success for other guys like them.
After getting their online audience all revved up they post beady-eyed photos of themselves complaining about their love life.
“Why can’t we get a date with quality women?”
Has anyone told them quality women are not attracted to dudes who love their dudes most of all?
Maybe attracted to money, attracted to attention, but not so much the high and tight thin people who run their mouths more than they should about not getting a date they want.
Women hear the dude’s candid opinion on women and move on.
What’s the role? Subservience to their dude, of course.
Equality redefined on the pinhead’s terms.
It works for some, but it’s not as life enhancing as it sounds.


The Other Way? Is There One

Too many social influencers come off as having daddy issues.
Daddy wasn’t there, daddy didn’t pay attention to them, daddy didn’t love them the way they expected.
Their main complaint: I never knew my father.
How can that be? Maybe daddy was a shitty kid, then a shitty father who had shitty kids.
That’s influencer gold.
What’s better than a defective dude explaining things to other defective dudes.
It’s a tight circle that gets tighter and tighter until an unbreakable bond grows between them.
“We are not defective dudes, they are,” became their rally cry.


One important factor for life enhancing in their world is their volume.
They are loud and proud; they have a leader spewing their talking points for them, and love is in the air.
For the younger men out there: If you have someone you welcome into your life who believes that screaming in your face is effective communication, you’ll get what you deserve.
More often than not a screamer is in fear of losing their grip. of losing their likes and retweets, of losing their authority.
Over you.
You give them a sense of authority by paying attention to them, giving them your time, and repeating what they say.
When a jerk-wad in a red hat shit talks in a way you agree with, it’s still shit talk, still stinks, and you are expected to spoon it up with gratitude and ask for more, please.
Mind your manners.


Life Enhancing For Real People 

I’m a blogger, a down to earth writer, with a message to my follower, you.
If you have a choice between being an a-hole, or something else, be something else.
Be you since all the other roles are taken.
Be good to your parents, your siblings, your wife, your kids.
It’s not easy, but the rewards are plenty.
If your parents, siblings, wife, and kids ignore you, find you despicable, and you put your best foot forward to them?
Try and understand where they’re coming from.
Your parents got divorced and you told them they made the wrong decision? Keep it to yourself.
Siblings blame you for their bad times growing up? Don’t correct them.
Your wife speaks glowingly about former boyfriends? She married you. That’s the answer to them.
The kids don’t think much of you as a dad? Do better.


In the proper circumstances kids are a joy, not a burden. Sure they’re a burden, but one you’ll gladly bear.
Let’s not sugarcoat parenting like some dreamy couple with an au pair, a nanny, and unlimited time to ignore their kids.
Do that and you might end up with a drifter who latches onto a false father figure who is everything you’re not.
No one wants to hear the virtues of a crack-pot repeated, with a slew of defective children with multiple women who worship him like a god.
Besides, even if you do everything required, you may not be a hero to your kids.
Maybe ask yourself why you need to be a hero? You don’t.
What will you say if you ask your kids who they’d like to be their dad, and they say Michael Jordan?
“I’d rather be LeBron James, married to the mother of their kids, no scandals, no baby mommas.”
Follow up with, “I’ve decided to take my talents to Tigard and wish my boy the happiest of happy birthdays, the most significant birthday of my lifetime because it wasn’t a sure things this year.”
All my love, sunshine. You warm my heart.
You are just who I hoped you’d be, life enhancing for all of us.
About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.