June 11, 1946: The wings of the Hughes Hercules aircraft, now know as the Spruce Goose, are moved from Hughes Aircraft plant in Culver City to Long Beach. Move took two days as movers traveled at two miles per hour. In Long Beach the aircraft was assembled and flown in 1947. This photo was published in the June 12, 1946 LA Times.
Who writes a letter to England?
Before you scroll off to other click-bait, consider this: Write one letter to the person or place of your choice. One letter.
Start with the usual, “Dear.”
Then send it.
If your letter sends death threats or rings fire alarms, this isn’t for you.
Instead, call it a request for feelings, a reminder of who matters in your life.
Write it, send it, share it.
PS: Because my in-laws came from England doesn’t mean they’re pirates, not matter what Sir Francis Drake says.
Dear England,
Attn: Miss Itminan Choudhury
With this timely letter I urge you to expand the reach of the British Empire beyond normally accepted boundaries. In other words, let the sun never set on the British Empire once again.
Sent by an American blogger holding great regard for history and England’s steadying influence over the centuries, we need you to do more.
My world view from Oregon remains indebted to England for the guidance and calm your great nation provides. Today’s world needs a sturdy hand, strong boot, and good manners.
With that said, I feel you may increase the good you do by recognizing the achievements of your dual citizenship subjects in America. Two of them, my wife’s parents, are candidates you may honor.
They came to Canada after WWII, then to America, with a stop in Ohio before homesteading Los Angeles.
Like great English explorers before them, they found new land and made it their own. Literally, new ground.
You may have seen images from America of blocked freeways and roads while huge tractor trailers moved enormous buildings? My wife’s parents jousted those southern California power lines, sailing an apartment building from Pasadena to Lennox.
Both veterans of the Royal Navy, they join England’s finest who have passed before them, navigating new sea lanes in the hereafter.
best regards,
David Gillaspie
You’re probably thinking hoax. Why bother. Or my favorite, ‘get a life.’
Whoever read the email probably thought the same.
In the grand tradition of most excellent British manners, the sincerely English Miss Itminan Choudhury, (Honours and Appointments Secretariat, Cabinet Office, G.39, 1 Horse Guards Road, London SW1A 2HQ, Tel: 0207 276 2774) wrote back,
Dear Mr Gillaspie, (name spelled correctly. Point for Miss Choudhury.)
Do this and you may feel moved to do it again. Moved to write another letter?
I’ll get you started. Just copy and paste: Dear

Heading to the Mac. image via asklogic.com