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Let Go At The Right Time, Like Now


let go

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I believe everything works out in the end. If things aren’t worked out, then I know it’s not the end. Simple stuff, right?


The stories about endings that leave so many loose strings untied? Don’t believe them. That’s not how the end works. I’m convinced we’re wired to let it go at the end.


So it’s okay to let go of loose strings? Of course, but why wait until the end?


Some strings I’ve let go tried to grow into a hangman’s rope. Others knotted up and cut off circulation. If either of those try sneaking up, grab them first. Give them a good crack-the-whip snapper, and let it go.


Here’s what I worked out, gave a snap to, and let go: I hired a web designer.

They were an all-in-one, all-at-once, pay-up-front sort of designer. And they did beautiful work. The site did everything I hoped it would do.


Until we started the process of transferring ownership. Suddenly things got complicated. The name servers needed updating, emails with the wrong information flooded in.


When I tried to explain why it was the wrong data things got worse.


Now the problem wasn’t about transferring domain names, it was me. Luckily I was on familiar ground.


Using incredible negotiating skills I convinced the designer that the transfer would work best with a three way call. Two of us would be on the phone the same time as the domain company. That way, I explained, we could tell the domain company how to do their job instead of telling me I’m a fossilized moron.


In fact I could be a fossilized moron. I’m not arguing that point. We’re always the last to know these things.


The designer liked the idea. They liked it so much it would only cost me $250 an hour with a two hour minimum to get them on board. Paid up front with a credit card.


It sounded like a great deal, just not for me.


Instead I talked to the domain company, asking what they called my domain change problems.


“It’s not that uncommon for designers to hold sites hostage and demand a ransom,” they said. “Sometimes they have a valid point. This isn’t one of those times.


“It’s hard to explain someone’s feelings about their work. Sometimes they love it too much, or they need more validation than money offers. Or they’re covered with scar tissue no one really sees and they can’t understand the turmoil they cause.


“In the future you’ll want to control the process from the beginning, give them access on your account to do their work, then cut their access when it’s done.”


Wiser words of online advice have never been spoken. Not every designer works with a big gulp and a five pound bag of gummy bears next to their water cooled tower. Not everyone is a four hundred pound genius.


Somehow in the miracle of persistence, resistance, and working things out, I made the right moves to successfully shift domain control. How did it happen?


I called the company over and over and had them walk me through things and explain how websites get held hostage. Did I wear them out? Maybe they got tired of, “Oh, it’s that guy again.” I like to think it helped.


I’m happy to know it works, that everything worked out. Now I let it go, just like that. No accusations, recriminations, investigations. Let. It. Go.


All done, no hard feelings. Just the beauty of the finished work. Like a digital miracle.


What happens when you don’t let go when you should?


It just means you’re not finished.
About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.


  1. […] Just know one hurts more than the other. […]