Known blogger: a page you check to see if something could possibly show up on a regular basis.
A solo website dedicated to ads, plugins, flash, and splash, where everything is glossed over with a sheen of disingenuousness entertainment.
Let’s go with the first one, a known blogger working to help others wade through the stuff of life.
First, we put on our clam digger boots and covid masks. All set?
I’m surprised the most clicked on, most read, most searched post here is a romp through the Men’s Locker Room.
You’ve heard the saying, ‘No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader?’ I look for funny and this one still makes me laugh.
That post has been up on my Current Reading List so long it displaced the former champ that reigned for years.
So I ask myself, is a gym manners post more relevant than an author review of a heroin book?
Either way, the through line is health, mental health, addiction, and hopefully, recovery.
Known Blogger Recovery
The least read post showing up is about beer, Beck’s Beer.
The inspiration came from a walk in NW Portland where a beer truck showed up, a Beck’s Beer truck. Who knew those even existed.
It still doesn’t stop in my neighborhood beer place often enough. Looking at you Plaid Pantry, Jackson’s Shell, Walnut St. Market.
The second from the bottom of least read boomerpdx posts: A career booster post about illicit office affairs and what to do with that information.
Make a movie and cast Caitlin Jenner was the logical conclusion.
The Big Blogger Takeaway
Peter Jackson is making a Beatles movie and just released a clip. Click it.
It shows a bunch of young guys going into a room and playing guitars and making music like a woodworking job: a little more here, a little less there.
That lads mix it up like they’re having fun together. Yoko looked pretty, Billy Preston was slim, and they were all working through the creative process that brought them together.
The Beatles banded together.
With a world throwing new things into your barrel of life, like a little pneumonia during the covid pandemic as if one problem wasn’t enough, the same rules apply:
First, band together and identify the problem.
Next, make a list of solutions and the side effects of each action.
This is the magic of a known blogger, avoiding new problems caused by solving other problems.
Did you watch the Beatles clip? I saw the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. We had a huge black and white TV, 19″, on a stand with a cat underneath.
They were cocky kids in matching outfits getting their moment to shine before fading into an oldies revival act on Where Are They Now with real stars like Frankie Avalon and Dick Clark.
Instead, they banded together. Peter Jackson’s clip feels like a visit to Picasso’s studio or Rodin’s place, a peek into what’s behind a finished product.
Instead of a man and his paint, or a man and his marble, it’s four men with electricity and energy filling life.
A known blogger asks one question: You know you’re got the same energy, right? The same electricity and vision and feelings that drive others drives you.
Gather your power and use it.
Identify A Goal.
Make a list of the steps you’ll take toward achieving your goal.
The same steps may apply to other goals, but choose one, like wearing your mask, and do it.
(See what I did there? That’s Known Blogger work.)