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kid company

‘Kid company’ is different than babysitting.

Instead of a few hours, it’s a few days.

During those days you can see what a kid wants and needs more than you can in a few hours.

What do they want? They want ‘you’ all day, so bring your best.

What’s that look like?

Say ‘your best’ is reserved for an ideology belief stronger than anything else in your life.

It’s so strong that you put everything on hold and make travel plans to attend rallies in a red hat.

But, this isn’t Grandma’s red hat.

Your belief is so strong, like the armpit of the funky man holding a strap on the subway, that it repels your family and friends until you find yourself in a group of like minded strangers.

This doesn’t make you unfit for kid company, but it does slide you over into the ‘bad citizen’ category.

You can be a bad citizen and have your rights protected by the constitution copy you carry around for emergency reference:

Waiter: Would you like fries or salad with your order?

You: Fries are for men, salad is for sissies.

If you spend an extended time with a baby, then you know they could care less about your opinion on salad.

Your believes don’t matter to them any more than your believes matter to your hero.

Over time, if you pay attention, you learn that the baby has more communication skills than the former president, his cronies, and the candidates they pump up.

But none of that matters with kid company. What does matter?

Attitude Matters In Kid Company

kid company

When baby is hungry you find something they will eat.

You have a bag full of their favorite food, just not their favorite with you.

Baby lets you know if they’re hungry.

They’ll still be hungry if you whine and cry more than they do because they won’t eat what you want them to eat.

Find something for them to eat instead of taking the moment to stand on your principles of what you think is right.

Or you can bask in the unfairness of baby declining your offerings.

They’re hungry, you’re an adult, so find something for them.

One day they’ll chow down, the next day push it away. You’ll only know this during kid company time.

kid company

You won’t get extra points for letting baby go hungry. Save that tactic for yourself.

Instead, keep working. What works? Mac and Cheese to start, then add more nutritious food in as they go into a feeding frenzy.

What Do Kids Have To Do With Mid-term Elections

The trickle down economic theory means nothing to baby.

It means nothing to rank and file Americans, too.

But for the top money folks it’s a bonanza.

Money motivates. Sometimes it motivates good people the wrong direction.

What happens with ideology impaired politicians gain office?

First of all, they protect their base to insure their future votes.

To do that they use the language they hear others use in winning their elections.

But what happens if they lose an election?

Do they storm city hall? Attack their state capitol? Plan to kidnap their governor?

Or do they spew a shit storm of recriminations and accusations and self pity the rest of their life?

Try communicating with a baby using recriminations, accusations, and self pity.

Or, use your better self to improve the situation.

Your better self is nurturing and caring for someone other than yourself.

If you care more about a politicians feelings more than your kid’s feeling, you suck.

Pay attention to your kid and seek out the candidates who promise to work for them, and you.

These days, they are called Democrats. What is their opposition called?

I’m asking because they used to be called Republicans, the party of small government and person responsibility.

But that’s not who they are now.

A Democrat vote is a vote for a future to benefit what you started by keeping kid company.

It won’t solve all problems, but it might help your kid grow up to be a contributor to worthy causes, like a better future for their kids.

See what I did there?

Don’t let your effort get lost.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.