An election is a job application.
Win an election and you get the job.
Lose an election? Then what?
Nixon is a good example.
Nixon lost to Kennedy in the 1960 Presidential election.
Instead of whining and complaining like a man-bitch, he went home and re-grouped.
Was Nixon screwed out of a win? Probably.
In 1962 he lost to Pat Brown for governor of California.
Afterwards he gave what he called his last press conference.
Ten years earlier, 1952, he’d began his first term as Eisenhower’s Vice President.
By 1968, a year after the ‘Summer of Love’ hippie milestone year, Nixon won the presidential election. Four years later he swept the country before resigning in disgrace over the Watergate cover up.
So much for last press conferences.
Al Gore lost the 2000 election to George Bush, Jr.
Since then he’s been to Sweden.
Instead of encouraging dipsticks to storm the Capitol, instead of taking a year to bitch and moan about unfair treatment, unfair press, unfair rules and laws for an important man like him to follow, Al Gore collected a Nobel, the documentary based on his book won an Oscar , and he won a Grammy.
That’s the trifecta of awards if there ever was one. It would be better if he’d also won an Olympic gold along the way, but still quite a haul.
Was Al Gore screwed out of a win in 2000 with the recount done in a state governed by his opponent’s brother and decided in the Supreme Court by a justice appointed by his opponent’s father?
We’ll just never know, but I lean toward him getting hosed in Florida.
Mid term job application rejects
The day after the Oregon Primary the winners move on, the losers re-group.
Some will move off the main stage. Names like Bill Sizemore and Bob Tiernan ought to be put out to pasture.
That’s the pasture next to Lon Mabon and the Oregon Citizen’s Alliance, OCA.
But, if there’s any thought of giving up after rejection, look at Nixon and Gore.
They took their defeats hard. Clinton took her defeat hard.
All three had the essential buy-ins to win. They’d all done service.
The big problem with each was their opponent’s leverage.
A wide section of the ‘keep your soft liberal hands off of my rights’ crowd get fired up with idea of telling others what to do. And they vote like they’re told to vote.
The men need women to comply to their notion of modern medicine, birth control views, and abortion law. And that’s how they’ll decide who gets their vote.
Men need to know they can carry their man-gun anywhere they please because, “It ain’t happening on my watch.” How is that a vote draw?
One clue on what to avoid in job application elections? The angry white man’s face getting all scrunched up for the camera. He’s not ‘the guy.’
They act like ‘the guy’ but they are a few degrees removed, like the Kevin Bacon game.
You know who they are once you see them lose and they pretend it’s a win. As if you can’t tell the difference?