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When you hear the words ‘free way’ what do you think of?
The freeway, the highway, a road, the interstate?
Or do you think of freedom to live your life better than you ever have.
Let’s go with the last one.

There are 525,600 minutes in the next 12 months.
If each represents a moment when you can be taking the steps down a proven path to your amazing transformation, then you CAN realize your Greatest Life … THIS YEAR!
You can be living a powerful, inspired, and free life …  free of fear, guilt, regret, and confusion … and, instead, filled with incredible possibilities.
A life that sets a rock-solid foundation for the rest of your life … an authentic and purpose driven life filled with excitement, adventure, contribution, and love.


As a bonafide blogger this hits close to home, which is right where I like it.
Freer Journey is a website. I learned about it while attending an ABBA cover band concert in Cook Park.
Ron Manseth was among the group I was with.
He’s a former high school wrestler, I’m a former high school wrestler, so we had that going for us.
What hit close to home is he’s from Florence, Oregon.
I’m from North Bend, down the coast from Florence.
To me Florence is defined by one of the guys who was on the Junior World Greco-Roman team with our own great Bulldog, Robin Richards.
Me: Do you remember Wes Hines?
Ron: I do. Did you wrestle him?
Me: I was a sophomore, he was a senior. We faced off in a regional tournament for Junior World.
Ron: How did it go?
Me: Fast. He whipped me over with a head and arm and pinned me in the first round.
Ron: He was pretty good.
Me: Real good, D-1 good. Oregon Duck good before they cut their program.


Get Free, Stay Free

I like the sound of Freer Journey.
I like it even better when it’s not about some kid’s idea of what free means, could mean, and would mean if you were smart enough to understand the idea of a freedom journey.
Ron and I are the same age, come from similar small Oregon town, and we both like ABBA.
We spent a short time talking about the great night out; we could have spent a much longer time but he needed to get home and get to sleep for a 2 am wake up.
He had an easy way of spending time that so many people miss.
After we’d talked about Freer Journey I said I’d take a look, a bonafide blogger’s look, at the website.
So I did, and what I found was hopefulness, but not just for the hopeless.


Greatness lives in You! It has always been there … it’s just been covered up by “life” to the point you can’t even see it anymore!
It’s just waiting for you to make the committed decision to discover and live it!
It doesn’t exist out there somewhere … trying to find it and get it from somewhere in the outside world doesn’t and never will work. True fulfillment in life comes from living a life from the Inside Out!


Finding Freedom And Letting It Lose

Freer Journey includes the book “I”-Lignment: The Journey to Create Your Greatest Life from the Inside Out.
From Amazon reviews:
Very clear and captivating. This book put’s it all out on the table how we unconsciously are taught to please the outside world from day one, when authenticity is learned from within. I love how thoroughly researched and presented this work is & teaches us the power of presence!


Author carefully peels back the layers of conditioning that interfere with love and life happiness. Provides cutting examples explaining how many of our behaviors are reactions to our surroundings rather than who we really are as individuals. A must read for greater self understanding.


The thing I found most powerful was that you don’t need anything or anyone beyond yourself. I genuinely believe that this book is 100% on point about what will bring you genuine, lifelong joy and fulfillment. This book is about transforming yourself and being a person others will naturally be drawn towards.


What is your journey? Who is on it with you?
If your answer is ‘what journey?’ and ‘no one,’ take a look at Freer Journey.
I like to think of myself as alert and aware, even after being married nearly four decades to the same wife.
My kids still talk to me, I get to hold and play with the grandkids, all of which is a problem if you had a wife, but not anymore, if your kids put you on the jackass list, if the grandkids are always ‘too busy’ for you.
That’s all a recipe for rejection, remorse, and getting lost in the backwash of life.
What makes you who you are, who you want to be, isn’t hidden in negativity, disdain, and feeling you need to express your superiority with every breath.
You know who you are, but not who you could be.
Maybe you should know what it takes to see each day for what it is.

Instead of the same old shit, different day, dig deeper and see the day through the eyes of a baby.
Make it a new day like every new day is for them.
Do I see a light brightening up?
Do you? Be willing to take another look.
About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.