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When is inspiration needed? Right now? Yesterday?
Whoever you are, wherever you are, things could be better.
At least that’s the common rule of thumb.
But better than what becomes the question.

Too many people, strangers mostly, hear what they think they need to hear, and repeat it.
They are strangers, but social media makes the familiar, which is troublesome.
The faces you see on Sunday morning news shows are not your friends, not your neighbors, and not the inspiration needed to live a better life.
But they do a good job selling their opinions, good enough to influence their listeners, their audience.
One of the best compliments anyone can get is, “They are who you think they are.”
Good, bad, indifferent, they are who you think they are.
The bad man is bad, the good man is good. Easy work, right?
Except it’s never that easy because we’re conditioned to doubt a bad man could be as bad as he appears and the same goes for the good man.
Who has heard of a man so rotten to the core that people feel sorry for them, fawn over them, talk shit about them and take it all back?
One such man is loose on the land and converting followers like Jesus turning water into wine in a drunk tank.
He’s the man for them, and it’s not Jesus, but many affiliated with Jesus claim their man is in the same league.
When church leaders claim divine status for a scummy man, there’s something wrong in the congregation.
A church leader’s words drift out into their gathering celebrating a liar and a cheat, and lying and cheating take on additional meaning, like it’s okay.
If you’re a liar and cheater that’s good news. Keep up the good work.
But, if you’re not a liar and a cheater, you might need a new church.


Social Media Is Not News Coverage

Like you, or maybe not you, I enjoy the heck out of nonsense.
If it comes from a man in a nice suit and a fresh haircut, it’s still nonsense, but not beyond a reasonable doubt.
They might be right about things since they’re looking good on TV.
Just when one jerk gets unveiled as their true self and ‘retires’, another sample of stupid takes their place.
To even things out, the dashing man in the nice suit is matched with the beautiful woman in cocktail waitress garb like they’re working for tips.
The movie Bombshell told all about the ladies, but what about the men?
Was their method to show their ‘loyalty’ the same as the women in Bombshell?
That’s the unknown story. Or is it? Anyone?
Since the days of Walter Cronkite, the Huntley Brinkley Report, and other major network news teams, we’re conditioned to believe what the news people say.
The wheels fell off when the major news companies were deemed ‘fake news’ by a seedy game show host who got favorable reviews on Fox News.
The old ‘pussy grabber’ found his media home on the loyalty network where ‘taking a knee’ found new meaning.
Who thinks the Fox audience if made of old men fantasizing over the women spewing the kind of news that would have been shuttled off to the minor leagues of network reporting in the past?
By the stroke of fortune, one ugly human has turned simple people into a raging torrent of hate seen over and over.


Inspiration Needed To Inspire Hate

Try this the next time you hear something outrageous from a right wing pundit: change the channel.
The next time you hear an old gas-bag say, “You need to fight like hell or you won’t have a country,” try and imagine them fighting like hell.
They wouldn’t be inclined to fight like hell the way the ‘suckers and losers’ he saw in the military graveyard.
However they would fight like hell to compare their nasty sex life with the Vietnam War.
If you find yourself aligning with a piece of shit, and you’re not a piece of shit, ask yourself a few questions.
Do you consider yourself a good person? If the answer is yes, you need to find someone else to worship.
Are you married and intend to stay married? If the answer is yes, you need to find another cause to throw yourself into other than that which loves their dude with all their heart and money.
 The money people say their bank account is better off with a skunk running the show?
Pick another legend, not than the one who gives an answer like, “It is what it is.”
I’ll help you:
America is what it is, peopled by citizens not subjects.
A close relationship that includes love letters from tyrants and despots is not the American way.
Neither is playing the whipped dog after a private meeting with the ruler of Russia.
When a simpleton comes into contact with an evil man, they want to learn how they became so powerful and try and replicate their rise.
The problems occur when the American public goes to the polls and votes them out of office, but they don’t want to give it up.
“If you don’t fight like hell at the Capitol you won’t have a country,” means their icon of insurrection won’t get them out of jail when they’re found guilty of doing his bidding.
Do what I do instead. Use the knowledge you’ve gained by serving your country, but studying American history in college, and raising a family of good citizens, and find someone more in tune with those values.
Is inspiration needed when some broken down lothario ‘moves on you like a bitch?’
Ask your mom.
About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.