An informational blog does one thing best: it informs. But you know that.
From a professional blogging point of view, the information on a blog needs to stay on topic.
This blog, boomerpdx, sounds like a Baby Boomer blog, and it is. But like the now second biggest demographic in America, thanks millennials, the sky is the limit.
But, there are limits based on attitude. For instance:
The overnight returns on boomerpdx show the top ten cities for readers. Before I list them, I want you to know how much I appreciate anyone reading posts, new or old.
“Thank you,” said in the voice of OPB fund raisers.
Because of the traffic origins, I’m a self-editor. I write and delete and do it better, instead of spewing. Spewing is another blog.
I’m a re-writer.
But Dave, it’s your informational blog, why would you self-edit
Here’s a few reasons: sketchy information, poor sources, wrong headedness; stubbornness, ignorance, and fear. There, I said it. Fear. Fear of what?
I pull readers from diverse geographical and ethnic origins. I’m not stirring things accidentally and at the same time don’t want to be misinterpreted. My secret goal is to show a slice of life in America, in the West, on the rainy side of the mountain.
That is my big share to my Boomerpdx Top Ten Cities: Tigard, Beijing, Portland, New York, Seattle, Melbourne, Cambridge, Ashburn, Nairobi, and San Francisco.
Nothing you read here is arrest worthy.
Informational boomerpdx says: life is better if you learn how to adjust and adapt and overcome. Sooner than later. If there’s one takeaway from the life I’ve seen in the places I’ve been, it’s leaving room for change, and moving on.
Political Platform boomerpdx says: moving on in America needs confidence in the bare necessities of common existence, starting with clean air and clean water. During this election cycle look for people who understand the science behind clean air and clean water.
Look for candidates willing to serve who understand how to weave social good through the legislative process, and clean air and water is the lowest common denominator for social good. This the misinterpretation part: social good is not socialism.
Best Outcome Informational Blog
We’re living in a pandemic.
Wear a mask.
Keep your distance.
Wash your hands.
During this election cycle look for candidates who understand the science behind mask wearing, hand washing, and social distance.
I found one: Vote Joe Biden.
Disclaimer: I read a post about, ‘What will you tell your kids about the last four years and what you did about it.’
Vote Joe Biden is the answer here. Go ahead, you have my permission to vote for Joe Biden. Tell people you read it on some boomer blog.