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My hurt feelings have an outlet, and I’m so glad.

So is everyone else, which is a clue on how do deal with disappointment.

Find an outlet so you won’t be haunted the rest of your life by the importance you place in other people’s opinions. Of you.

Someone’s feelings about you could hurt yours?

Then what?

If you were raised one way you do nothing because the approval of strangers is below you.

But we’re not talking about strangers, are we?

Instead, it’s your friends, your family, your loved ones. Their opinion matters.

Go ahead and say they don’t. Give us your ‘opinion saying’, which is a variation on, “Opinions are like armpits, everyone has a couple and they stink.”

My feelings say ouch just for writing it down.

By the way, I’m an expert on feelings, having graduated from a night in the ICU for heartbreak syndrome.

For my final exam I had a listening exercise to show that words can actually hurt.

I passed. I think I passed.

Test For Hurt Feelings

This test may break your heart, so proceed with caution.

How can you hurt the feelings of half the U.S. population?

By telling them they aren’t ‘equipped’ to decide on reproductive heath for themselves.

Recent decisions have denied the basics of women’s health, namely keeping them alive.

The Roe v Wade decision leaves women defenseless in a high risk pregnancy. With one ruling, no risk is too high for the highest court in the land.

The Women


This has aged a little, but still a good picture.

It comes from United Health Foundation, which I have not researched.

According to U.S. Census Bureau estimates, in 2018 there were more than 58 million women of reproductive age (18-44) and nearly 73.4 million children (0-17) in the United States. Women and children make up 40.2 percent of the U.S. population, and both populations are growing more diverse.

This comes from Country Meters, who warn they use cookies to give the best experience.

Updated question: How can you hurt the feelings of more than half the population of the United States?

My Secret Solution

Men married to women who need to be told what to do have a ‘special’ relationship.

Their wives may have been raised by a big daddy telling them what to do, and it sunk in.

If their daddy was indeed a big daddy, then wife-to-be saw him tell others what to do, too.

General Daddy casts a big shadow.

No one in this life is more important to the ladies than General Daddy, but Major Husband still has to try.

In their male dominated life, these women appear to be the perfect obedient partners.

And yet these are the same women who will lead the march for reproductive rights, for legal and safe abortion care.

Reaching them will make the biggest difference in the long run. They are educated, up to date, and looking for a chance to tell Mr. Right that he’s wrong.

This is their chance, but they need help.

Republican wives of movers and shakers will have no problem finding an abortion if their daughter has a high risk pregnancy after dating a boy from Kavanaugh Prep School.

These same wives will know how to deal with boys who sign themselves as ‘Lisa Alumnus’ or ‘Margaret Alumnus,’ or whatever their daughters’ names are.

Who would know better about ‘boys being boys?’

And who better to cut through the bullshit of denial their men see them through.


About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.