Human Time has a nice ring to it, like we ought to be celebrating the accomplishments of man in a hard, cruel, world.
But it’s hard to focus on the beauty and grandeur living under a cloud of disease and death that goes unabated.
Instead of working together to overcome the scourge of covid and the inane spew of anti-mask and anti-vaxx ignorance from people who know better, hospitals are filling up with the sick in overwhelming numbers.
I hope it’s not one of you or your loved ones. It’s a human time for hope, wouldn’t you say?
“But Blogger Dave, the blood of Jesus is my vaccine and prayer is my mask.”
To which I say, “Amen, now get vaccinated and wear a mask.”
On a first pass across America Covid-19 took over half a million people. But that shit wasn’t real enough?
Now the Delta Variant of Covid is stepping up and taking a swing at another part of the population, the younger part. And it’s still not real enough.
What’s it gonna take to help people get over the hump?
How To Help When Help Isn’t Asked For
This is the “But my freedoms” part or the disease cycle.
There’s nothing in a pocket sized copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights about Covid-19 and the recommended treatments, so save yourself from wasting time looking, no matter what Reverend Tom said on Sunday.
But if you google ‘covid treatment’ you’ll find this:
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Treatment Guidelines is published in an electronic format that can be updated in step with the rapid pace and growing volume of information regarding the treatment of COVID-19.
NIH stands for National Institutes of Health.
NIH’s ultimate goal is to improve the nation’s health through medical research. Check out these resources — based on our scientific findings — that can help you or a loved one on your path to improved health and well-being.
These ‘scientific findings’ are what guide medical professionals instead of right-wing radio personalities giving ‘veterinary findings’ or a spiritual leaders giving ‘make it to heaven’ advice.
The virus doesn’t care who you are or what you do, it’s just looking for fresh meat. Get a corona vaccine to go along with the horse de-wormer; the All-Knowing God can hear prayers through a mask even if Jim-Bob next to you is praying in his hog-calling voice.
Save your family the agony of watching you die behind a window, watching your ventilator stop after you drown in a hospital bed. That’s a human time no one wants a part of.
Human Time Explained To Avoid Misunderstandings
In spite of the contagion people are still falling in love, getting married, and having kids.
Maybe you know someone, maybe you’re one of them?
But what if you’ve got all the love, married, and kids stuff in the rearview mirror now that you’re retired and could care less.
If this feels like a carefree time you need some help. Start the help with a vaccine and a mask so you may continue not giving a damn about anyone and anything.
Try and understand the difference between a scientist and an internet blowhard who publishes anything for clicks, who’ll say anything for traffic.
The first one wants to help, the second could care less. Even if you identify with the second, just know that they are vaccinated in real life. If not, they talk vaccinations on their way out.
Your heroes may not give a hoot about your health in public, but when they breakdown in private, do they really want to die such a miserable death?
The Correct Answer Is NO
Take it from an old Army Medic, you’re better than covid, better than any variant, so act like it.
Get a vaccine, it’s FDA approved today, and pick up a mask.
Aug 23 (Reuters) – The U.S. drug regulator on Monday granted full approval to the Pfizer Inc (PFE.N)/BioNTech SE COVID-19 vaccine, making it the first to secure such Food and Drug Administration validation as health authorities struggle to win over vaccine skeptics during a relentless pandemic.
The FDA, which gave the two-dose vaccine emergency-use authorization in December, went a step further based on updated data from the company’s clinical trial and fully approved it for use in people age 16 and older. Public health officials hope the action will convince unvaccinated Americans that Pfizer’s shot is safe and effective.
Git ‘er done, buddy.