The nice couple have had a hard time dealing with HPV16 cancer in different places, awkward places, and they show their maturity by addressing it without the stigma.
Stigma, you ask? What stigma.
Stigma according to the Cambridge Dictionary: a strong lack of respect for a person or a group of people or a bad opinion of them because they have done something society does not approve of.
Click more for the headlines from the New York Post.
Marcia Cross’ anal cancer likely linked to husband’s throat cancer through HPV
Allow me to shed some light here: If you’ve been intimate with more than one person besides yourself, and your soul mate, you’ve statistically been exposed to one of over a hundred strains of HPV and your immune system killed it.
Let’s here it for kickass immune systems.
If you don ‘t have an immune system up to the challenge, it lingers for decades until you’re older immune system takes a hit if it’s hpv16.
To guys here commenting for laughs, I get it, nervous laughter, but in the comments I didn’t catch the math question of: What’s the square root of sixty nine? Eight something. Funny enough?
To guys who need a picture to understand HPV16 science, connect the dots between anal, cervical, and throat cancer.
I’m writing the book for a segment of readers who want avoid getting tagged, readers who want to know how to support friends and family who do get tagged, and the partners of those who explain things in uncomfortable ways.
I’m 95K words in on the third edit.
Send a literary agent this way to find a bitter, profane, angry, yet hopeful and funny memoir of a regular guy, a regular blogger, challenging cancer with HPV16 science.
It’s a story of finding a way to deal with the dire conditions of chemo and radiation. Dire, you ask?
I’ll give you a comparison: In junior high two boys decided to be men by lighting a cigarette and putting it between their pressed together forearms. Since the cigarettes didn’t go out on their own, the one pressed between their arms would keep burning once it got to their flesh.
The first person to pull away was less than manly. Pretty dumb, right?
Imagine if that cigarette burned them the first day, then they did it thirty five times in a row afterward with weekends off. Hard too imagine.
Imagine someone’s neck getting burned inside by radiation thirty five times in a row with weekends off, the standard HPV16 science for neck cancer. But it’s not just one side, it’s both.
“Pain in the neck?” you ask.
Yes, quite.