Getting to know hpv16 cancer up close and personal the way Brent King and I have exposes the best intentions from some of the best people.
They offer wisdom and sympathy; they’re sorry; they do their best to show they care.
Sometimes the caring part is unfamiliar territory, so it gets awkward.
I heard it was important to do whatever it took to get through the harshest cancer treatment done on people, according to a nurse and we all trust nurses, but I never asked someone to leave if they stopped by my house.
If I had it would have been keeping with ‘doing whatever it takes.’
But I didn’t because I felt people had something to gain by stopping even if I didn’t.
On the other hand ideas like the following also showed up and continue to show up:
A great testimony I must share to all cancer patient in the world!
I never knew CANNABIS OIL could cure cancer, I thought it was only meant to eliminate leukemia and Illinois paralyses, until 2 months ago, When i got a bottle of the oil, I bought them pretty expensive though, but had no option and didn’t want to lose my life just because of money. It turned out to be what i was looking for over 17 months, a week after buying the CANNABIS OIL it was like a reborn for me. Even my doctors were so amazed by its potency. I seriously advise that you also get yours, I am a living testimony of the wonder works of the cannabis oil and avoid going through life risking surgery. Its 100% potent I swear. I am so happy for sharing this testimony, my advice to you people that think that there is no cure for cancer, just contact and get the oil treatment from Rick Simpson try it and you will not regret it because it truly works and here is his Contact.
After reading this I checked out a site offering similar guidance: cureyourowncancer.org
Spelled out, it’s Cure Your Own Cancer.
I met cancer up close and personal with hpv16 cancer, or hpv16 tongue cancer, or hpv16 neck cancer, or hpv16 throat cancer. Why do I list so many possibilities? Because, and listen carefully, IT’S NOT MY CANCER. IT’S NOT YOUR CANCER, EITHER.
People who imply it’s your cancer need to find the door. It’s not my cancer, not your cancer. It’s freaking hpv16 cancer and that’s enough. Get too attached to cancer and you’ll be trapped if you survive chemo and radiation.
Can you avoid the chemo and radiation altogether? That’s what I asked my naturopathic doctor, AKA my wife. I expected to hear something different than chemo and radiation. What did I hear? Chemo and radiation, without a pause. Why?
Knowing cancer up close and personal changes opinions. For example:
“Why don’t we cure cancer without the chemo and radiation?”
“Because I know people in my profession who wanted to do the same thing.”
“Good, we can call them.”
“Well, they tried alternative treatment had good results, then bad. By the time they decided on mainstream treatment they were too weak to tolerate it.”
“What happened?”
“They died.”
“(Silence.) So let’s get started on the chemo and radiation, then.”
I’m writing a book on cancer, cancer treatment, and the people I met along the way. Since I had hpv16 cancer in my throat, it’s an awkward story of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, not in that order. That’s what I blamed for the cancer that tagged me.
The big names of sex cancer started with Michael Douglas, and now include rock and roller Dave Mustaine after he decides to join the team.
Before you drift off thinking ‘hpv got nothing to do with me,’ there’s this from rxwiki.com:
A number of articles and reports from leading medical journals and reseach institutions say HPV is now the leading cause of oral cancer in men. The virus known to cause genital warts and cervical cancer in women now causes more oral cancers in men than smoking and drinking.
Smoking rates have declined in the United States, but oral cancers have recently started to increase.
This is science. Connect the dots to get the bigger picture between cervical and neck cancer. It’s called sex cancer for a reason.
To the bigger point, when I read comments from the average facebook person like me, I find a profound ignorance on what could possible cause hpv neck cancer. They don’t understand, especially when people who have been hit with it say they got it from French kissing way back when.
These people are married people, wife and kids like me, and they don’t want to discuss oral sex in front of their wife and kids. Too bad, because I believe embracing cause and effect is a big part of the cure. They aren’t lying about the kissing part, just the location, and they ought to be up front.
My story will fill in the gaps other’s skip in cancer going backward from Full Response Cure, the hell of treatment, the winding road of cancer discovery, and explaining things to the people I love.
How often does a liver cancer patient explain how they didn’t get it from cheating on their spouse? Sex cancer brought in a few important questions with even more important answers I answer in my book.
Do lung cancer patients explain it to their kids like I did with hpv16, and get, “So you were ‘that guy?”
It felt like they were looking at this guy instead of me:

A joke I like to tell goes like this:
“I’m the funniest comedian in the world. Ask me why I’m the funniest comedian in the world.”
“Why are you the funniest …”
Cancer timing is no laughing matter. If you decide to seek alternative treatment, please do. Just remember the clock is ticking.
Will you kill cancer without chemo and radiation, because if you don’t you might miss the boat.
Chemo and radiation felt like it was killing the hell out of me because it was, which is why we’re told to fatten up before things get started. If you don’t have the reserves to survive the harsh stuff, you won’t be a candidate.
At the end of the day sex cancer, regardless of where you say it came from, is a shared thing but doesn’t have to be. If you’ve met people who look beaten down after treatment it’s because they’ve had their ass kicked harder than they ever imagined.
I dragged through with the minimum of support and came out with a few regrets. One regret is being the funny guy in the room. No one wants that guy around, but I was determined not to crash and burn anyway possible.
You’ll find how it all shakes out in my Work In Progress. In the meantime I won’t regret calling for HPV16 vaccines for kids and parents who think it might be a good idea.
PS: It’s a good idea.
More later.