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explain boomerpdx

Sweet as pie.


If someone asks what you’ve been reading lately, explain Boomerpdx like this:


You’ve been reading a single author blog with over a thousand posts.

Eight categories organize the posts. Why eight? In honor of Troy Aikman and Marcus Mariotta, of course.

Boomer Up, all twenty four pages, includes either boomers stepping up, or people stepping up like boomers. Inspired by what you think when you hear, “Cowboy up?”

One of the early posts features Woodstock. Boomer blog about Woodstock? Predictable, right? But it’s not the mud puddle swimming on acid story.

Boomer Years reflect on times passed, a shared history without nostalgia. An early Guest Post.

Things specifically blog related occupy Boomer Blogger. It’s a way to move the pile a little, the tech pile, composition pile, the blog pile. If you’re a blogger, start here.

Travel for boomers is like booze for the dry. Intoxicating. Buckle Up says get up and go. You’ll figure it out when you get there.

What’s Up is what is says it is. This post explores the bonding between real military generals and bogus businessmen. With the huge increase to defense and defense industries, you know what’s up.

Narrowing the focus to Who’s Up, you’ll find posts about people like author Monica Drake. Don’t you love her name?

Her stories show a sweating, mental, desperate side of Portland without making it seem all that bad.

They remind me of my NW apartment building where a muscled up heroin addict said Drugstore Cowboy was based on him.

Toughen Up relates to health and wellness, attitude and demeanor, body and mind. What else is there?

If you stay healthy to help others stay healthy, you’re the sort of angel we need more of.

And finally, Sports. I hear you saying, “Come on, man.”

Whatever your take on games, some do grow larger than life.

Explain Boomerpdx as a tool to pry open life pictures you’ve lived through.

If you’ve got a story to tell, let’s talk.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.