Hobby children come from any family of four or less.
If there weren’t a hobby it would be a family of eight or ten.
But some parents can’t face the challenge.
Like me, but I’m a hobby guy anyway, so the tag fits.
From my point of view, the chances of having bolo kids are greater in higher numbers.
Parents can’t be on the lookout for everyone.
Two parents for two kids seems like a fair match. Three kids means one is in the middle, which is always a problem. Ask me how I know.
With more kids you can’t hammer in a few things hobby children get.
At least that’s my latest excuse for so many wing-nut people clinging to their new found savior sent from heaven, or trump tower.
It gets confusing, especially when the born again vote in Georgia leans away from the preacher and toward the candidate representing everything they pray for salvation from.
Must be lots of big families down there?
Educating Hobby Children
If this is Gen Z’s first election, then they saw this happen, the Jan. 6 event that wasn’t a regular day at the Capitol.
So what kind of day was it? Try this for an explanation:
“You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you find you get what you need.”
For the past two years the participants have found their man to be falling behind on his promises.
What’s that mean? They are going to jail because they had the courage of their convictions, more courage than their guy giving marching orders.
The youngest eligible voters need to know that the ranting of a washed up reality show star has no legal footing if they commit crimes on his behalf.
You’ll do the time if you do the crime, not someone else.
An eighteen year old voter in 2022 was twelve in 2016 and probably missed this one at a trump rally.
Security people were taking a protester out of the room with trump saying, “Rough him up, I’ll pay the legal bills,” or something to that effect.
He wants others to do his dirty work?
“Ah, remember the old days when guys like that would be taken out on a stretcher,” or something similar.
The man ordained by evangelicals as The One comes up short on biblical teaching like ‘turn the other cheek.’
And ‘love thy neighbor as thyself.’
An old man who talks ass-kicking talk but whines like some put-upon wimp when he gets his ass kicked is a poor role model for the young.
Actually it’s poor role modeling for anyone, but he gets a pass from his cult because they’re not looking to improve themselves.
Participation Trophies For Every Millennial
As younger generations flex their voting muscle and line up to address their future, it’s a good time to reflect on their rise.
These are the hobby children from the title of his post.
They were raised on participation trophies, juice boxes, and sliced oranges.
They played soccer and T-ball; they had timeouts instead the belt.
How many baby boomer parents followed this plan? How many boomers are glad for the outcome?
I’ve seen Portland baby boomers go both ways.
When grandma and grandpa made fun of their tactics, some changed up to show loyalty.
‘Since I turned out fine, hell yeah, hand me that extension cord, Ma.’
You can either be the boomer parent with a gentle hand, or the boomer parent swinging the belt.
Boomers see the results the day after the 2022 mid-term election.
Their kids saved the day, along with Gen Z voter turnout.
In spite of all these barriers, there are two issues that have broken through in a big way: abortion rights and student debt forgiveness.
Breaking It Down Slowly
Young women don’t want, or need, an elected official’s nose in their reproductive health business.
They don’t need their mom’s nose, or grandma’s nose, in there either.
Somehow the message sent by the anti-Roe judges trickled down to the young voters in their childbearing years, and the young voters said, “We’ll handle our business without your help, but thanks for everything.”
Student loan forgiveness, no matter your stance, is a reflection on higher education.
Who didn’t sign papers without reading as an eighteen year old. I did. And I didn’t like the feeling of carrying debt through my twenties.
It felt like I did something wrong, and that’s coming from third rate colleges and diploma mills like Southern Oregon and Portland State. But they eventually did right by me.
Imagine how students graduating from name brand colleges feel when their diploma can’t pay their bill ten years out.
Hobby Children Get Serious
Older boomers know the drill and sang the songs.
We’ll be fighting in the streets
With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone
And the men who spurred us on
Sit in judgement of all wrong
They decide and the shotgun sings the song
I’ll tip my hat to the new Constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
The kids want a planet conducive to life, elected officials who know their job and how to do it, and a sign that their country sees them as more than cannon fodder, or willing dupes to fleece.
We see them as our kids on the right path to a better future than the one dumped on them.
Now the work begins for the hobby children.
They are up to it, no matter what you might hear.