History help comes in handy when you’re about to tap out on life.
Things have been slowing down, enthusiasm gone, you start wondering, ‘is this is all there is.’
What could possible inspire someone feeling a little down?
Drive the country roads outside Oxford, England for an education on how to stoke those fires with history help.
GPS: In 3.2 miles take the first exit out of the roundabout.
You: Alright.
Your Wife: I’m not sure.
You: Not sure?
Your wife: My phone says take the second exit. The first will take you down to a U-turn that bring us back on the same road as the second exit.
You: Well that’s not right.
Your wife: That’s what I’ve been saying. The car GPS makes it harder.
You: At least it gets us in the general direction, then you can take over. See that little box on the top left corner? It shows the roundabout with an arrow for which exit, and a the number of the exit in the center.
Your wife: You didn’t see that before?
You: I haven’t taken my eyes off the road. But now that I see it I can check it in an instant.
Your wife: Good to know.
Also your wife: Could you slow down?
You: Yes.
Your wife: Maybe not accelerate out of every roundabout?
The four people in the car all agreed on majority rule for when to stop and where to go.
It’s a fun experiment with group travel.
You: Who wants me to slow down in the roundabouts?
Everyone: We do.
One of the damn things even had speed bumps.