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historical dream

One historical dream, a recurring dream for adventurers and scholars, is being somewhere important by yourself.

Imagine renting Disneyland, except it’s Versailles.

And you’ve got it all to yourself.

There’s no one around to explain where you are, it’s significance in the large world, what it’s made of; just you and the painstaking research you’ve done before the exclusive visit.

Sound good so far? My biggest research commitment was watching the series, Versailles. It seemed historically accurate enough, and I’m a history major.

It was saucier than expected.

Walking around the palace, I noticed things from the show, so it wasn’t time wasted. I was no expert, but at the same time I wasn’t overwhelmed by the grandeur.

And there was plenty of that, if you like lots of gold sparkle and marble walls.

My historical dream happened on the stairway, a Versailles stairway, and I was the only one in it. The pic on top is from my camera, so there’s that.

Then I snapped out of it. I wasn’t in a dream, I was on a Rick Steves Tour, a most excellent way of embracing Paris and the French point of view.

And I wasn’t alone.

I was with the most fired up bunch I’ve ever been around. From all across America, they came to Paris and found what they were looking for.

Some came for the art; some came for the architecture; some came out of obligation.

One came out of revenge, for what I didn’t catch. He went out for a ride and landed in France.

These were folks who had something to prove, whether physical or mental. Were they strong enough to travel? Would their historical dreams vanish or come true?

I was there to mingle, rub shoulders with Louie, and drink some of that royal beer.

If anyone asks, Mission Accomplished. Would I do it again? I want to talk to my local Versailles people first.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.