High temperature during a heat wave is no one’s idea of a good time.
Who says, “It’s not hot enough,” during a heat wave?
You’ve heard it before:
“It’s hot, yes, but not that hot.”
Who says that?
I’ve got a neighbor who warns me every time I take my dog for a walk.
“It’s too hot to walk on the road.”
I’ve said the same thing to him in different words every time I hear how hot it is.
“We’re walking on the sidewalk then trails in the woods.”
Instead of telling him to mind his own business, I agree with him.
I also put my bare foot on the asphalt to test the temperature.
It lasts about ten seconds before I finish my climate test with a hot foot.
My dog groomer has a similar sign on their door.
Is it correct, or a climate change scare tactic?
What Is A Climate Change Scare Tactic?
Scare tactics do a job, one job no matter the topic: Scare people into agreeing with you.
Is that a blogger’s job? Not this one.
I leave scare tactics to bullshitters, bushwhackers, and shit talkers.
It doesn’t have the poetic ring of “Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My” but the memory of The Wizard of Oz is fading with each incoming generation.
A tin man logger with everything replaced but his heart; a scarecrow without a brain; a lion without courage?
Is that a movie cast or a gathering of Florida republicans?
In my experience so far I’ve seen people downgrade most threats to their happiness right up until the threat is on them, then it’s a worst disaster ever. In the world, the galaxy, the universe.
Climate change is no different.
Some crank looks out their window in Arizona, sees heat waves shimmering off their driveway, and dismiss it as normal.
Until they need to go outside, need to get in their car, park, and walk to their destination.
Some people see breathing air hotter than a hair dryer as the price to pay for living in paradise.
Until they get a heat related illness.
I like to say that a flat tire shouldn’t be a death sentence, but it could be if it happens in the wrong place, like out in the outback of the Sonora Desert.
High Temperature Related Illness
No one worried about heat related illness where I grew up.
The southwestern Oregon coast seemed a stead 64 degrees with clouds and wind along with rain and more rain.
Not that I’m complaining.
Any time we left the coast we’d go up Hwy 101 to Reedsport and turn right on Hwy 38 along the Umpqua River to I-5 just past Drain.
We saw the sun and it was warm, not broiling hot.
Then on the return trip the chill set in just past the elk viewing turn-out before the hill to Reedsport.
Windows rolled up, coats on, and we were home.
That’s where I wished for warmer weather, but don’t blamer climate change on me.
I’ve been in the heat where I inventoried an abandoned storage unit in a closed warehouse.
I lasted twenty minutes in there each hour, then retreated to an air conditioned office to catalogue records before the next shift.
My associate kept track of time because extreme heat is deadly.
Based on my sauna experience I’d say the warehouse air was around 140 degrees.
We were in it for five days.
Before you bitch and complain about the heat I hope you join me with renewed respect for those working the roads in the same heat.
Who Is Worried About Climate Change
Chicken Little said the sky was falling too often.
Can the same be said for climate scientists?
If you scroll online you’ll see both sides to every calamity, including high temperature.
Remember when some fuckstick said ‘there are very fine people on both sides’ when citizens clashed with a disturbing group of marchers echoing Germany in the 30’s?
Who remembers when some jackass fixed the path of a hurricane with a sharpie?
For whatever reason there are people who put all of their faith, money, and time behind a proven sales genius.
The only problem is their lack of understanding the basics.
They depend of their cult leader and church pastor for the understanding they need to live their lives correctly.
Who is going to enlighten these people to a new climate reality? Scientists? Politicians? Or bloggers?