Graduating dogs from obedience training is a win/win for everyone.
A well mannered dog is a joy for everyone.
Well mannered dog owners take that joy and run.
So should you.
Who among us hadn’t had a moment to think, ‘Is this all there is,’ and came up sad?
For some people, life is never enough of the good times, and too much of everything else.
Those people haven’t had the privilege of owning a dog they care about.
Because let’s face it, living with a dog is a show of caring about more than the usual.
And, if you go that far, why not teach the dog the basics.
Basic Training For Dogs And You
Let’s agree up front: All dogs are good dogs.
With that out of the way, what’s dog training all about?
Is it really about graduating dogs to the next level?
Or is it training the owner to understand pet responsibility?
After my first classes I came home and explained the program to my wife.
Pro Tip: If two people live with a dog they need to be on the same page, or training pad.
Me: This is how the teacher interacts with the dog.
Wife: I’m not a dog.
This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Dogs may benefit from training, but people benefit the most.
What do we want our dogs to do? It’s not a trick question.
We want them to come when they’re called. Sit on command. Stay. Leave it. Down. Lay Down. Don’t pull on the leash.
Graduating dogs learn the lessons. The rest of us try and keep up.
The Valedictorian Of Graduating Dogs
Once you raise expectations on your dog, and they get it, happiness prevails.
If one dog gets it better than the rest, even better. A dog role model is a necessity.
Goldie was a champ. She ran the table in training and exceeded expectations at every turn.
Sadie the pretty white dog was right there with Goldie.
Ruby the black dog, my dog, was a hard worker, but not at the top of her class.
The other dog class people are not strangers, but family and friends of family.
So are the dogs. That’s how it works with dog people.
And as much as I kicked and complained before finding the right dog, I am one of them.
What do dog people do with their graduating dogs?
Why, they go to a graduation party.
The six of us went to my local tap house for some hard seltzer and reviewed dog education.
And ours.
We agreed our dogs were better mannered after the classes.
That’s expected, right?
The unexpected is the chance to wander off dog topic to current life.
In this case, work life.
The women are young and ambitious, so I put on my old guy hat and gave advice I’d heard from one of the most successful guys I know.
Set goals, paint a career picture, and put yourself in it.
When I was younger than them my goal was to do something that’s only done in Oregon.
Since I’d already worked in a saw mill and a fishery, I chose to work in Oregon history that documents such Oregon places.
The women are working through the challenges of marriage, work, and kids all at the same time.
My advice to them? Follow dog training where we learned to give one command at a time along with intense eye contact with the dog.
Pick a field of interest, identify companies in the field making progress, and write down ideas of how to make better progress.
That’s where the conversation turned to analytics: who are the customers and how do they find the services the company provides.
Does the company track engagement, conversions, and returns? If the company has a shopping website, how long do customers spend there?
Everyone likes clear vision, so bring the Windex.
Graduating Dogs Party Together
If you have a local watering hole you know the drill.
Some people come in for the camaraderie. They are people who need people.
My opinion is some people drink too much and use camaraderie as an excuse.
I like my place because I like the owner. The people come and go, some with a trail of broken dreams they drank themselves into.
I go in and try to listen to the modern problems. It’s what writers do.
But, show up with two young women and dogs and everyone is reborn in a way they need to communicate.
I stayed outside with the dogs while the ladies got our drinks. I waited, then waited some more.
If I know my dive bars, the wait was caused by business at the order desk, problems with pouring, or an attempt to keep the best looking women to ever set foot in there as long as possible.
I’m going with the last one due to the parade of guys coming out to see the dogs.
I told the women later that those guys never come outside unless it’s for something special.
The graduating dogs’ party was something special.
Here’s the takeaway: Doing something together with your people is always something special if you try.
So try.