Grading covid like it was a class is an easy way to understand how people react.
But first let’s be clear about one thing: death is not a failing grade.
However, anti-mask, anti-vaxx death is another matter. Dying from ignorance, arrogance, and intolerance is a failing grade.
I saw a clip of people protesting for their rights and freedoms outside a hospital where the staff inside worked to save anti-mask and anti-vaxx people from dying of covid.
What grade do the protestors get for their misguided and off-campus effort? These people are working on their mid-term grade; those inside are testing out for the final.
This should all be settled after the first 666K deaths, but mask mandates have put too many in a bind.
The ‘don’t tell me what to do’ crowd won’t be told what to do, but guess what, covid doesn’t care. After so many super spreader events, when does it end?
When does the covid impact settle in? Not too soon.
Covid Surges Nearly 700% In South Dakota After Sturgis Motorcycle Rally—An Even Higher Rate Than Last Year
The state did not (and still does not have) any coronavirus restrictions in place, such as mask or vaccination mandates.
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has shook off criticism about the event, calling the study by economists “not factual whatsoever.” After top infectious disease official Dr. Anthony Fauci said he was “concerned” about this year’s event amid the spread of the delta variant, Noem accused him of targeting her state for political reasons.
JV Team Of Hell Raisers
One thing is certain: Straddling a big hog and letting it rumble between your legs is not a covid vaccine, covid passport, or some kind of ‘get out of jail free’ card.
Ignoring proven medial advice on masks and vaccines is a special kind of stupid related to freedom? I don’t think so.
People don’t get the vaccine for medical reasons? Here’s a take on the topic.
Vaccine Exemptions for Medical Reasons Are Mostly Bogus
There are a few gray areas, but studies show that the shots are safe for virtually everyone, even those with some allergic reactions.
What if a loved one had a severe reaction? That would give me doubts. How about you?
If you live in a state with a vaccine and mask mandate related to your profession, do you wait for the deadline date before getting the covid vaccine?
I too like to live dangerously, like eating food past its expiration date, but not with a deadly disease on the loose. How are we sure it’s deadly? How can anyone be sure without experiencing covid themselves?
Grading covid on this curve might high-side a few in class.
“Where’s Ralph? He’s been absent a week now.”
Back in the day when a female classmate was missing and you learned she’d decided to spend the last quarter of the school year out of state with her ‘Grandma?’ There were usually other conditions, like being pregnant.
Grading Covid Is Different
Bagging an A is always hard, but not too hard for a Covid A grade.
You don’t have to be teacher’s pet, just get the vaccine, wear a mask, and avoid large groups of ‘safe people.’
Ask the high school girl who went to Grandma’s if she thought she was safe. Ask her boyfriend.
While you’re at it, listen to Meat Loaf sing Paradise By The Dashboard Light.
I started swearing to my god and on my mother’s grave
That I would love you to the end of time
I swore that I would love you to the end of time!
So now I’m praying for the end of time
To hurry up and arrive
‘Cause if I gotta spend another minute with you
I don’t think that I can really survive
I’ll never break my promise or forget my vow
But God only knows what I can do right now
I’m praying for the end of time
It’s all that I can do
Praying for the end of time,
So I can end my time with you!
Covid B Grade:
For A students, anything less is not a consideration. The A-Team goes for one grade, so they mask up, get the shot, and stay aware of their surrounding.
There’s no sad anthem to make sense out of covid suffering, but Meat Loaf has a final word:
It was long ago and it was far away
And it was so much better that it is today
If we can get through this swampy time things may take an upward swing. In many ways we will rebuild what’s been lost, like trust, and faith, and decency.