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Google Blog Search, Lessons Learned And Ignored, But Maybe It Was Me?


google blog

via daily beast


What do you get when ‘mayan calendar’ is the number 1 search term on any blog that isn’t related to the Mayan Calandar?


I don’t want to talk about it. Yes, I do.


How about ‘sniper equipment’ in the number two spot? Must be a military site, or a kook site, maybe a conspiracy site?


Not here. It was just another post for a google blog search to find. Sniper equipment came from a post I wrote about a guy I met.


He was a sniper out on loan, home for some down time and a workout.


If either google blog search was true I’d hear a lot more from Mayan Calendar fans and sniper equipment people.


But no.


Is it any surprise number three is ‘batman?’ Am I surprised? Not much.


We are who we say we are online and it doesn’t go away, unless it’s three years of guitar work on the cloud.


We’re also identified by what we do, what we say, and who we associate with.


By almost any measure I’m an online destination for mayan calendar, sniper equipment, and batman. What do those three have in common? What’s the story?


One was a movie review before we all disappeared in a Mayan cloud. Anyone still here?


Sniper guy worked for the OGA, or Other Government Agency, which sounds a little like contract work. What does a sniper do on contract?


And finally Batman.


In the top image Mr. Trump barks out some google. Fake news followed by fake search followed by what ever he calls fake next.


This humble blogger redirects blog search to more important things than what pulls people here and keeps them.


The writer’s voice? “Ahem, let me this about that.” There’s some voice in there.


Writer’s style? After beginning, middle, and end, what’s next?


Along with my blog search brethren, I’d like to remind Mr. Trump that what shows on a google search is who he is.


For the Trump base, believe your own eyes. Read it without weeping.


About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.