Good twitter was a great scroll.
Celebrities and famous names shared their interests, causes, and struggles.
They made themselves look almost normal, which was nice.
Not so nice?
A typical X scroll includes more Elon posts than ever.
More Elon does not a better X make.
Now a casual scroll includes Elon, which seems odd for the owner of anything to prop themselves up so much, as well as additional people I didn’t sign up for.
Small people in bikinis ask for an opinion, big people explain their believe systems, and I can’t scroll past quickly enough.
Not that I’m some kind of Scroll Snob, but like anyone else, I like what I like and leave the rest.
Which speaks to so many people who proclaim, “I’m leaving this hell-scape.”
Hell-scape? Scrolling a site from a keyboard is a hell-scape now? It is for some, and it’s real.
For them.
People post about the death of the pets, relatives, and tell how painful it is that no one engaged with their moment.
Just because it’s a stranger telling about their heartache doesn’t make it any less painful, but to connect those feelings to a host of people you don’t know, who also don’t care enough because they all have their own problems, can be catastrophic.
Don’t you hope adults have learned to take it or leave it?
“You suck,” shouldn’t have the same effect on grown men and women as it goes on fourteen year olds, but the implications are the same:
“If they say I suck, I must suck. Why, Why, Why do I suck?”
We grown ups like to say, “We don’t suck any more than we ever have, so fuck off.”
Kids don’t have the same history to draw on, so why help them out?
Bad X, Poor X
Here’s what I think happened to Twitter:
A failed blogger with enough success in other ventures decided to buy twitter so he could be assured of being seen.
On top of that, he can shit-post to his heart’s content and never get banned.
You can’t ban the owner?
Like a god walking among us, the owner can also bring the dead back to life.
That’s what he did with Trump. Now that fucker’s in my scroll.
The last thing I want to see, without asking, is that guy.
The second to last thing is Elon.
I like finding things on my own, you know, do my own research.
Twitter is one of my sources for ideas.