Let’s be frank about the notion of good judgement: if you never do anything of consequence, any sort of awareness is fine.
Why? Because it doesn’t really matter. The problem is influence.
Too many punks have found their ‘voice’ in social media.
Instead of yelling at people to stay off their yard, they’ve done some fantasy world-building and developed an elaborate conspiracy detailing why nefarious people want their yard and warning others that the same people are coming for their yard.
Good judgement has one request for people preying on the mentally weak to stoke fear and hatred: “Please STFU.”
But for people who seek consequential times: Please share your good judgement. Thank you, AW.
For example:
What does a white water kayak enthusiast do when they get stuck in a flume? They get help, but first they weight the risks and benefits of running the rapids ahead of time.
Their consequential time of good judgement comes after they assess their skill level and take the plunge.
Then things get real. If you bounce of the low water level rocks and tip over and lose contact with the boat, what’s next? Hang onto the paddle and swim for your life.
Instead of the energy wasting panic about drowning and getting fished out of the river down stream where your wife gets a call to come and identify your bruised body in a bag, good judgement prevails.
If proper preparation prevents piss poor performance, a highly skilled white water kayaker is an ideal role model.
Further On Down The Line For Good Judgement
What does a white water fan do after they’ve been pulled from deadly rapids a few times?
They learn the tricks of the trade and give back.
Education leads them to better outcomes.
Join us on September 13th and 14th in beautiful Bend Oregon for our Swiftwater Rescue Technician Course. This course taught by Travis Reid (just finishing training the USAF Rescue Squadron) will yet again enlighten and entertain even the most seasoned rescue professional. Whether your a rookie to the world of rescue or have decades of years experience you can’t find a better instructor!
With over 20 years in rescue training, wilderness & remote guiding, fire & ambulance services, and emergency first aid instruction, Travis brings a positive, safety-oriented approach. Drawing on agency, recreation, outfitter, and management experience, Oregon Rescue provides swiftwater, technical rope, boat-operator, wilderness first aid, CPR/AED, risk management and incident management training courses.
Living In Consequential Times Means Paying Attention
After more than 600,000 people have died from Covid19, with infection cases rising among the unvaccinated, there’s still a question about the virus.
Large groups of people ignore the science of proof. Too many vulnerable people refuse the vaccine, social distance, and hygiene, as if 2020 never happened.
Airplanes turn around when passengers use poor judgement and decide the hill they will die on is 30,000 ft in the air, and it’s not Mt. Everest.
The LA County sheriff knows more about the virus than scientists?
The new mandate from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health requires people to wear masks indoors, even if they are already vaccinated against the disease.
But Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said the order is “not backed by science,” and that it contradicts guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which does not prescribe masks indoors for most vaccinated people.
The sheriff added that he “will not expend our limited resources” and that his office instead asks for “voluntary compliance” from the public.
The lawman makes a decision based on his own judgement? They can do that?
Why not comply with the Department of Public Health’s local guidelines instead of taking the other side of a mask wearing mandate?
The DPH announcement comes after six straight days of more than 1,000 new COVID-19 cases reported in Los Angeles County. read more
“We’re requiring masking for everyone while indoors at public settings & businesses, regardless of vaccination status so that we can stop the increased level of transmission we’re seeing,” the DPH said on Twitter Thursday.
The county has become a place of “substantial” transmission, based on criteria set by the CDC, the Los Angeles County health officer, Dr. Muntu Davis, said in remarks provided to reporters.
But My Freedoms, Man: A Quick Review
America is the land of the free, home of the brave, but it’s also a big petrie dish with a few more ingredients.
White water running is strictly for suicidal nut-cases, or for adventurers who gauge the risks and rewards? Or both.
Public health is a discussion between trained scientists with long careers based on the most efficient and effective methods for keeping the population safe.
Or is public health the domain of half-cocked dipsticks looking for ways to get and keep their stupid faces in front of a Fox News camera?
My deep research has provided a boomerpdx-only answer based on experience and good judgement instead of conjecture.
Would you rather join a white water group led by someone who has run the river thousands of time, along with other rivers around the world, or some bigmouthed jack-wad with white water experience limited to hot tub jets?
Take medical advice from established specialists with positive references a mile long, or some self-serving mouthpiece spouting discredited notions they heard from a sham holy man?
Suffering and death await your answers, but as long as it’s someone else’s suffering and death it’s okay? That’s not how it works, people, but if that’s how it works for you, do some soul searching.
No matter your race, creed, nationality, religion, economic status, or address, we’re not here to spread pain and suffering from sun up to sun down. We’re not here for those who enjoy spreading it.
In other words, we were not put on earth to be the biggest a-hole possible.
For any questions, check your spiritual guide, your elected officials, and yourself. Just check yourself.
Ask yourself how you can best serve your fellow man, then dial it down to good judgement. It’s the right thing to do.
And you, that’s right you, can do it.