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golden rule

Some joker said the golden rule was this: Whoever has the gold makes the rules.

I won’t argue that, but it’s not the Golden Rule this baby boomer grew up with, and it’s not the golden rule of anyone who went to enough Sunday School to earn a new bible for good attendance.

It’s red and I’ve dragged it with me from coast to coast. You could say I’m no expert on the Golden Rule, but the red bible says otherwise.

What is the real Golden Rule?

Do unto others as you would like done unto you.


Treat others the way you like to be treated.


Just be a decent person for starters, the sort who knows how to treat others with a degree of kindness.

Before you start telling yourself excuses for the way you’ve acted in the past, remember today is a chance to do better. Tomorrow is another chance, but let’s focus on today and start with a best and worst.

I’ll go first.

The worst application of the Golden Rule came on gear pick up day of Army boot camp. After haircuts and shots, new recruits walked down a line with a duffle bag held out while staff people put uniforms shirts and pants and socks and undies in it.

The last guy was the hat man, the guy who fit the cover then slapped each trainee on the arm, the arm they know is sore from one shot or another. It’s a little sadistic. I’d still like to punch him in the face.

The best use of the Golden Rule came when I stopped a man from hitting a woman and he hit me instead. I resisted the urge to uncork on him for hitting a woman and me. I stopped the violence, which was my goal, but I owe a good thump on the next person to qualify.

Golden Rule For Real

As we attempt to treat others as we’d like to be treated, complications arise. We might hesitate based on race, religion, or creed.

via JB

We might doubt someone is truly suffering, or suffering enough for Golden Rule treatment.

Have you had doubts? This is where ‘benefit of doubt’ comes in. If someone is suffering, and you can do something, then do something useful.

Be a good steward of the earth and the living things on it. Extend any kindness you might have. For example, I know someone living in the Deep South who is funny and smart and stylish. But they talk some ignorant politics while being thankful others don’t talk any politics.

My plan is to not take them down by explaining what seems pretty obvious, that an old man with a twitter account isn’t the same as Moses and the Ten Commandments.

I’ve had one lively political conversation in two years that left a grown man crying. My takeaway was I’m not good at neutral political talk and this isn’t a neutral time. The man bullied a woman and I bullied him.

I’ve failed at living up to the Golden Rule sometimes, and other times did better. I look for people who understand how important it is to try. My greatest disappointment comes from a group who raise their voices for Jesus, but stay quiet when it comes time to act.

They know who they are; you know who they are.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.