Get married?
Too many people see those words like the ‘Check Engine’ light in the car.
Check that engine or get stranded somewhere you don’t want to be.
Just to be sure, no one marries their car. Let’s get that out of the way.
This writer is married. For twenty good years. Out of thirty-six.
That’s a joke from the married man club. Not everyone laughs.
However, getting married is no joking matter for serious people.
Marriage is where you learn more about yourself than you ever imagined, starting with . . .
You May Never Be Alone Again After You Get Married
Cherish the final moments of solitude.
Just you, a pool table, and time to reflect.
From your first breath to now has been prelude.
Reflect on that as long as it takes, because the show goes on and needs you.
The Get Married Show
If you add up the years you’ve known these guys it goes over a hundred. But you’re not that old?
Yes, you are, and these are your people.
Six of the eight are in the married man club with two of them on the verge.
One of the unmarried men brought a date who had all the looks and potential of an outstanding bride/wife/partner in crime.
The other unmarried man is ripe for the picking with the right partner.
What makes this a group for all time is I take credit for their early training since I coached six of the eight on youth sports teams.
They are my proof-group if I ever become a menace to society. It wasn’t their fault.
The Real Show
In a world of hurt and concern, is there a better example of hope for the future than a bride and her maidens?
I didn’t think so. This is my proof-group.
I’ve been to three of their weddings and all of them sparkled with the feelings.
They brought the sparkle with them here.
Future Dreams Begin
I have a dream for future generations who find time for each other.
That foundation starts early. Sometimes it needs shoring up.
I have a dream of meeting the future generations face to face.
Call me delusional, but it can happen.
It happens every time families unite.
It happens when cousins and uncles and brothers and sisters and nephews and nieces find time for each other.
Get married, they said. It’ll be fun. Fun to bring people together, fun getting dressed up, fun all night long.
Was it fun? Or was it just me?
If it was just me, I’m fine with it. Here’s why: