Finished work leaves a feeling of permanence.
And isn’t that the idea, locked in for the long haul.
What do you do after you finish something? What’s next?
But first, about that finished work.
With a home remodel, finished work means you either run out of time, money, or both.
Or you got tired of living in the chaos of constant construction. And the dust.
All done.
In wood working, like a mantel piece over a fireplace, the work is finished after fifty coats of shellac.
In law, finished work is settled law, the law of the land, debate all done.
Like Roe v Wade.
At least it was settled for the people during their confirmation hearings for a seat on the Supreme Court. Turns out some of them are less than supremely forthcoming.
They were confirmed nonetheless. Who makes that vote?
Senator Ron Johnson, R Wisconsin
Interesting guy, this Ron Johnson. He’s got views that get votes. In Wisconsin.
After Trump’s acquittal, Johnson downplayed the storming of the Capitol on a conservative talk show, saying the attack “didn’t seem like an armed insurrection to me”.
This is normal? You tell me.
What did it look like to you, Senator? A regular tour group? Was that you?
Senator, do you suppose the people in the picture cared if you were Ron Johnson, Republican Senator from Wisconsin, or just another gray haired pinko who’d get a tune up if they got their hands on you?
Let’s not dwell on that image. They look like kick-you-in-the-face-when-you’re-down guys with big shoes. But no worries.
In a March 2021 radio interview, Johnson added that he wasn’t concerned for his safety when rioters stormed the Capitol because they “loved their country”, but that he might have been concerned if the rioters had been from Black Lives Matter or Antifa. Responding to bipartisan criticism of his comment as racist, Johnson said, “I completely did not anticipate that anybody could interpret what I said as racist. It’s not.”
Johnson is a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump.
Is his staunch support of Trump his golden ticket? He things so.
In January 2021, he announced his intention to object to the certification of the Electoral College results.
How did he do during the pandemic? Any guesses?
Things To Remember When Voting This Time
First of all, remember to vote. That’s number one.
When considering candidates, ask yourself if they are willing to work for you?
If they check the boxes opposite or Ron Johnson, you might have a good one.
Some candidates get confused about who they work for.
Mississippi is governed by a man named Tate Reeves.
This is some of what Reeves believes on his wiki page.
“Reeves is a staunch Donald Trump supporter.
In his 2019 campaign for governor, Reeves promised, “If I’m elected governor, I will work for President Trump.”“
Your guy is supposed to work for his constituents, not a golden icon of shit-talk.
If your candidate has a record like Ron Johnson, take a better look.
What are his views on Roe v Wade and a woman’s right to choose? Any guesses?
Remember, he is a father. He’s had three kids, so he understands a little biology. It must be hard to imagine how little it takes to repeat what other men with similar inexperience have to say about women.
People like Ron Johnson are voting against women.
Senator Ron Johnson Turn’s His Back on Wisconsin Women By Voting Against Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA)
Wisconsin’s criminal abortion law threatens to become law without federal protections under the WHPA if Roe is overturned.
Wisconsin — Today, despite the fact that 80% of Americans want abortion to be safe and legal, Senator Ron Johnson voted against the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), legislation that would protect the right to abortion in Wisconsin.
“Given the serious threat to safe and legal abortion in Wisconsin and across the country, it’s unconscionable that Senator Johnson would put politics ahead of the needs of his constituents.“
Dear Doctor Senator, Please Shut Up
Tying yourself to Donald Trump is not the best American practice. Neither is tying yourself to an anchor and jumping off a boat in the middle of the ocean, but it happens. Somehow.
That’s not what finished work looks like.
The problem is that Wisconsin can’t tell the difference between finished and unfinished.
What is the difference? It’s the difference between baked and half-baked.
When the words, “I completely did not anticipate,” come out of the mouth of a sitting U.S. Senator, a job that requires a finger on the pulse of an entire state, if not nation, someone is not on the job.
Maybe he’s just a good old boy off the farm and means no harm. Maybe. One gray haired guy to another, maybe.
But there are professionals who groom and coach adults to portray themselves as decent Americans, electable Americans, with family values who care about the people and their ways of life. In Wisconsin.
Look at Indiana Mike Pence and Mother and look no further.
Can groomed decency be a virtue for anyone to wrap their arms around while their guy gives stanch support to the BIG lie, the Jan. 6 insurrection, and does it so well?
Hey Wisconsin, your Senator Ron Johnson could run for King of Kentucky and win with his qualifications. You’re better than that.
Show us a better example, could ya?
Ol’ Tate Reeves thinks you’re screwing it up. Big time.