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fast train

The best part of the Eurostar line connecting to London from Belgium is the walk from the local line to the fast train express.

It felt funny taking the oldest form of transportation, feet, out of one station and a good long hike around a shopping center to the fastest train on rails.

Adding to the adventure ride is finding the train. Elaine and I found our way around Paris with help from the best guide in Paris, and Rick Steves.

Our kids had a two week cruise on the Europass after spending three months in southern Spain for language immersion, and experience I envied them.

Ten years later, more or less, I’m having a similar time with the best trip organizer wife in the business. Somehow she booked rooms and tickets for a month of roaming around. She knows what she likes, knows what to do when she’s out in the world, and I’m with her.

She explains our roles differently than I do. 

Her: “He helps with my bags.”

Me: “I get us where we’re going according to plan.”

The difference is in the planning. Without her plan I wouldn’t be on the Eurostar; without my presence, neither would she.

After checking in like it’s an airport, with two different passport stations, here we are pulling out of Calaise and diving under the English Channel.

Recently a swimmer set a record by crossing the channel four times non-stop, which reminds me of the swimmer who made it from Cuba to the US in one shot.

All I’m hoping for is getting on the fast train on time, and getting off at my stop. 

So far, so good.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.