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You know a Facebook writer when you read them.

The work seems too good for the platform, too permanent for such a temporary view.

But Facebook is inviting, available, and free.

So why not use it as a primary outlet?

Because writers are control freaks.

For example: “I’m socially awkward and say things before I think about them. When I write I say everything I want to say perfectly. I’m more me when I’m writing, my authentic self, than any other time.”

I read that on twitter and thought, ‘Is this a problem?’

Popping out short posts on Facebook or twitter and calling it your best effort is missing something.

One writer said they do a stream of consciousness and feed a never ending scroll of paper into their typewriter.

That was Jack Kerouac’s ‘On The Road’ manuscript.

People Like Permanence


In a world of kindle readers, a paper scroll feels like a stone tablet.

A hardcover book feels more important than a slim screen holding a hundred books.

Everything feels more enduring than a platform created and maintained for optimum identity theft.

But writers, from a Facebook writer, to blogger, to the writer who composes their work in beach sand at low tide, we all want a reader who finds us at just the right time.

I’ve got readers in far towns who spend hours on boomerpdx reading forty posts. What are they looking for?

A reason to go forward, to continue, and that speaks to permanence. They’re looking for something to anchor them, to inspire them, to brighten them up?

Maybe they find it? I hope so, but they won’t have to unroll a scroll to find it.

(400 posts on ‘blogger’ search.)

Permanent Facebook Writer?


The Diamond Sutra is the world’s oldest known printed book


You’ve heard of it? Me neither.

The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest literary work.

The Epic of Gilgamesh is referred to as the oldest epic poem ever written. It originates in ancient Mesopotamia, which is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, and it was presumably written around 2100 BC by an unknown author.

This is the Rosetta Stone.


The Rosetta Stone for easy reading:

This is Moses with the Ten Commandments.

Did the Rosetta Stone help with interpretations?


If we look at the history of enduring literary works, it better be on stone or clay tablets?

Then there’s the storage question.

Books in libraries seem a safe bet?

The Library of Congress was established in 1800, when President John Adams approved legislation that appropriated $5,000 to purchase “such books as may be necessary for the use of Congress.” The first books, ordered from London, arrived in 1801 and were stored in the U.S. Capitol, the library’s first home. The first library catalog, dated April 1802, listed 964 volumes and nine maps. Twelve years later, the British army invaded the city of Washington and burned the Capitol, including the 3,000-volume Library of Congress.

One thing is certain no matter the medium you use, whether blogger, Facebook writer, stone carver, or clay presser, if you don’t write anything none of it matters.

(470 posts on ‘writer’ search.)

If you are on the fence about writing anything you want your name on, then you’ve seen the secret message on boomerpdx:

Write, then write better.

Besides, everybody loves a writer, so you’ve got that to look forward to.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.