Facebook life comes in all facets of living, some better left off, some not enough.
When it’s done right it’s a window into the wonder of living at the same time as incredible people.
They do things the rest of us can only dream of, but do it in such an inclusive way we feel invited along on their journey.
Like they say about avid readers who experience more than their own life and time, welcome aboard.
But how do people live such adventurous lives and still have time for social media?
Is it because they’re incredible time mangers?
One Facebook friend reported in that they were going to every show during a Rolling Stones tour.
That’s pretty great, like a Deadhead who cleaned up.
I left a comment about going down to the gas station for a beer while listening to ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’ and said it was the same thing.
It’s not the same thing and I’m not a very good Facebook friend, which is consistent with real life.
My idea of being a friend is being a 100% friend, which isn’t everyone’s idea of 100%.
No ‘Dear Friends’ no ‘Old Friends’ no ‘Dear Old Friends.’
More like people I haven’t been able to shake for one reason or another.
Call it fear of commitment, which is weird coming from someone married to the same person as long as I have, but there you go.
Commitment means different things to different people, like everything else that never makes sense.
Facebook Life Commitment Is A Real Thing
Before you shake a finger at compulsive Facebook posters, consider their motivation.
Is it ego driven? Some poor self esteem shut-in working to convince the world they are really a wild and crazy fun person?
Nothing wrong with that, just dreaming the dream.
Problems reveal themselves when someone goes viral, gets paid, and leverages their influence into bigger paydays.
Online marketing for a personal brand is harder for introverts who are quite happy living quietly. Then notoriety hits and people want to meet their hero.
They start seeing their name, image, and likeness in places they never expected and the low-grade freakout starts.
Now they want privacy, respect, and still get paid.
Imagine a writer who publishes a memoir detailing their most intimate moments, it becomes a bestseller across all platforms, and now they go on a book tour and have to answer questions.
You need to plan for that stuff. If you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Many influencer marketing agencies are full-service, meaning that they help brands through every stage of the influencer marketing process, from influencer discovery, through influencer management, assisting with content creation, to analyzing and reporting on a campaign’s success.
Sounds busy. Sounds like work, not play. But you’re a worker and you like to grind.
Still, it’s a big jump from dilettante to ruler of the universe. Your universe.
I searched ‘business’ on boomerpdx and came up with 540 posts with that tag.
That’s a lot of business on business.
Boomerpdx Business Report
I started this blog, boomerpdx, when I decided to self-host my own site instead of relying on a free platform like WordPress.com.
DeeGees B&B had a good run during a hard time.
I moved off of it, but didn’t migrate the content to Boomerpdx because I was starting over clean.
The motivation to restart came from a business course run by a teacher with a book and a masters degree which qualified her for adult education.
The idea was to create a network of like sites in cities around the country. Since baby boomers were present in high numbers, the teacher instructed class on how to access that demographic.
My buddy, a businessman in the real world, broke it down:
Create a brand, write a business plan, build an app, go to the bank.
Anything less is a hobby blog.
While not a world beater, I draw readers of a different sort: people who like to read.
Toward that end I post like a kook for the people with nothing better to do than read this blog a few minutes a day. Those are my people.
Some take an hour and read lots of posts.
My post with the most hits in one day relates to the statue of David’s penis. It’s that kind of blog.
The All Time most read: NEW NAKED GYM GUY BOUNDARIES UPDATE, 2023.
Apparently naked dudes are good for SEO traffic.
It’s not a Facebook life defined, but I’ll take it.