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Estate Planning For NW Boomers


Good planning and good guidance keeps your estate off the rocks.

When the day comes to estate plan and you’re not there, what happens?

If you didn’t make the sort of legal decisions that put your resources where you want them to go, who will decide?

In other words, if you don’t have your ducks in a row, someone else will line them up.

This happens all the time, but it doesn’t have to happen to you, too.

Baby boomers are ripe for estate planning. Your kids are older. Your parents attempted to get through the process.

Now it’s your turn, but you have doubts?

Everyone has doubts, Boomer. Everyone has questions. Ask your friends if they have an estate plan, then keep track. Experts say 50-70% of Americans who need an estate plan don’t have one.

Instead of closing your eyes and picking an anonymous attorney, why not do some homework first?

Boomers together represent the greatest economic force in America. They’ve worked hard, played hard, and put their money and investments in the right place.

Is this you?

We’re getting older and remember our parents at the same age explaining the intricacies of their will, their estate planning, their wishes.

If you didn’t listen then, maybe it’s time to catch up.

No one predicts the future, but one thing is certain. No, two things are certain: death and taxes. You’ve heard that before?

What you haven’t heard is the new law practice spearheaded by Barbara Deurwaader, JD. She sees clients for a flat fee instead of collecting billable hours.

Instead of doubts and worries about what you’re paying for, how to use the information, or the nagging suspicion that you need to hire someone else, Ms Deurwaader puts it all right up front.

She’s not the last lawyer you’ll see for estate planning, but the first. You’ll meet with her then take the information she provides to your lawyer for the finishing touches.

If it sounds too easy, consider this: Life is complicated. You have ideas on how you want your estate handled, but don’t want to explain it, defend it, or hear that you can’t do what you what to do.

For example, Ms Deurwaader’s clients include issues such as:

  • One spouse ill and nearing incapacity
  • Blended families
  • Same sex or unmarried couples
  • Family conflict
  • Estate planning for pets
  • Reluctance to deal with death planning or don’t know where to start

Making plans now will prevent future events like the re-married father who dies without a will or living trust. His second wife moves on to her fourth husband with all of the assets he wanted his kids to have.

No one wants their legacy remembered as a box of cigarette-stenched junk left off the last dump run.

If family photos, documents, and Great-grandma’s fun jewelry belong in your family, start making plans.

One man enjoyed his life and planned on enjoying the fruits of his labor for years to come. He didn’t need estate planning because he felt fine. He watched his new daughter-in-law take inventory of his house on a visit.

She had a plan for what she wanted and explained it to him.

That was his wake-up call to make his own plans.

Do you have questions about wills, living trusts, and probate? Are you ready to make a responsible choice?

Make your call, Boomer.


“I’m Barb Deurwaarder.  As an attorney, I’ve prepared estate planning documents, business documents, and represented clients in probates, conservatorships, and guardianships.  I’m here to assist you with legal advice in the initial stage of estate and incapacity planning.  I provide you with counsel and clarity for your specific situation, as your legal advocate, to help prepare you for a positive and informed attorney/client estate and incapacity planning experience.”

Boomer, have you talked about your estate plan? Take the next step.


About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.