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Is equality ever explained in a rational way without some tag along.

It’s “equality, but,” or, “equality when,” or some such qualifier, like only a conjunction conveys the ‘real truth.’

The problem is that equality explained with a qualifier is never equal. See, equality doesn’t need qualifiers, which is a reason to fight. But why the hostility?

Equality explained for dummies, dipshits, and dog whistlers. And me. Please continue.

Sports Analogy For Equality

Picture two athletes trying out for the same team. One of them is a grinder who’s been to camps, had personal coaches, and is stronger than dirt; the other is a better athlete without trying. Makes it look easy.

They run through the same drills, same trials, and the better athlete makes the team. After so much time invested, energy spent, to say nothing of hopes and dreams, the other one is bitter and angry for losing to an inferior, in their eyes, competitor.

But the clock don’t lie, the take measure don’t lie, and neither does the attitude-o-meter. This is one of the best reminders I’ve seen.

One athlete did all the work and still wasn’t good enough. That’s got to hurt. Maybe they share the hurt.

Equality Explained At Cambridge American Cemetery

The top image shows row after row after row of American war dead in England. It was a shocking place to visit since I had no idea it was there. Very somber and humbling. Young guys, kids, row after row, who would never understand why they’d be known as The Greatest Generation.

This is a link to Stars and Stripes about the military cemetery over there.

An Army officer once explained to me how the graveyard was the final measure of equality. Rank, social class, or skin color didn’t matter, he explained. American war dead defined the time of their service.

American Equality For Overseas Readers

First, a big thank you for reading boomepdx. I value your time and will try not to waste it.

It must be distressing to watch and read about America imploding day after day, but you’ll learn that that’s not what this post is about. This is about equality, where 1 is the same as another 1, and added together make 2.

Equality means Jimmy the Genius gets into the same college as Sammy the Slacker. Jimmy got in with an extensive portfolio of related science projects he hopes to build on; Sammy got in because his daddy had money and he couldn’t think of anything else to do.

Jimmy graduates with honors, can’t find the sort of work that needed his well developed skills, and flounders. He finds himself with others like him and they make plans to help each other succeed. Together, they move up.

Sammy graduates, barely, and his dad hires him in the spirit of the Japanese window zombies. Except, he’s a Vice President of the company.

American equality means we all get to toe the same starting line in every race we choose to run, every challenge we undertake. Equality means standing before the tall mountain with other climbers equipped for the ordeal. Some people finish the race faster than others, some climb the mountain better than others. Equality in America is helping those in need if they try and fail.

Equality is helping the other guy, volunteering, being useful. It’s sending the elevator back to the ground floor if you make it to the top.

What isn’t equality is stoking sectional divisions, elevating misery, and ignoring suffering. Equality isn’t easing the financial burden of industrialists by removing clean air and water regulations, loosening emission standards, or allowing ‘self-policing.’

The America you’ve heard about is still here, you just have to look through the smoke and mirrors.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.