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drink beer

If drink beer outside sounds like an order to follow, then you’re a true Oregonian.

Drink beer outside at the coast? Why, of course. What else would you want to do?

Go fishing? Naw.

City people have a habit of going downtown for one thing and staying there for another. They call it a city f-around.

If you have a favorite city, and live near enough that going there is not a big deal, then you know what a city f-around is. It’s touching base with the past as a gateway to the future.

The future is one afternoon of wandering around places you know, checking changes, snagging a slice of pizza, and moving on.

Beach F-Around

On a good day the beach has things to see. People watching at low tide shows an ongoing search.

What are they looking for? Crack a beer while pondering the answer. Drink beer outside and it will come go you,

This image is kelp. A big wad of kelp. Big enough to hide a body? It happens.

You can’t tell, but the kelp looks like a big whip. Pick one up and swing it to start the beach f-around. In a group, someone else will do the same.

Before too long the drink beer outside order turns into a whip war. If not, open another can and keep twirling.

Whip It Good, Whip It Real Good

This kelp is a keeper. It’s got all of the features in tact. Start by holding the big end and turning in circles until the whole thing gets airborne.

Use two hands, then when it’s flying, switch to one and swing it overhead. Can you crack the whip? Give it a try, Indiana Jones.

If another in your party starts spinning kelp, they are non-verbally asking for a contest to see who will drop the kelp first.

Snapping at each other is part of the game.

A beach f-around to drink beer outside and play in seaweed? It doesn’t get any better, but make other plans in case you get tired.

For an advanced beach f-around, aim south on Hwy 101 past Florence and Reedsport, and head for North Bend. Look for signs to Horsfall Beach, Bastendorff Beach, and Sunset Beach.

Visit these beaches for lifelong memories.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.