The drag queen story time is canceled in Tigard and I had to learn about it on twitter?
Something’s gone wrong when drag queens out in the far reaches of Portland suburbs can’t fly under the radar.
It’s not like there’s a specific drag queen review out here like Darcelle’s.
Did someone drive up from Newberg and to be shocked by the libraries audacity?
So why did the library cancel story time with drag queens?
As a parent of young children who are now adults, their mother and I took them everywhere for story time, including the Tigard Library when it was over by the Tigard police station.
If there was a story time that didn’t fit our idea of what’s good for the kids we didn’t go.
Is it shocking to read that the parents can decide to attend or not attend an event with their kids?
That’s parent power fully flexed.
If no one came to drag queen story time how long would it last?
Ask yourself that question while you dress up to look your best for a big night out.
About Those Librarians
The repeated threats of violence logged by the Tigard Policed are against librarians?
Library violence doesn’t sound right to me.
I know librarians, have talked to librarians, paid fines to librarians.
You know what else? I’ve got a brick, two bricks, out on the landing near the front door.
I’m no librarian and chances are you’re not either. But I’ve got a library card. Do you? Does your kid?
Here’s how it works:
You want to read a book so you check it out at the local library.
But there’s more. None of it requires threats of violence.
Librarians are not a problem.
Saturday, June 10, 2023
10:15 am to 11:00 am
Beaverton City Library
Acompáñanos a una hora de cuentos en español en familia para niños de 2-6 años. Participa en cuentos, rimas y canciones. Es gratuito!
And don’t forget:
Giờ kể chuyện tiếng Việt – Vietnamese Storytime
Saturday, June 10, 2023
10:15 am to 11:15 am
Hillsboro Brookwood Library
30 phút bao gồm những câu chuyện thích hợp với độ tuổi, những trò chơi ngón tay, và các hoạt động khác.30 to 40 minutes of age-appropriate stories, fingerplays, and movement activities.
Tigard Library Closed Sunday

I’ll let you in on a secret I discovered:
A library event brings people into the library who may not make it a regular stop.
They turn up for the event with their kid, then the kid wants to look around, maybe check out a book.
Here’s the hard part which is also the good part: you apply for a library card, and so does your kid.
You’re doing something together. It’s not sports, or a screen, but you and your kid are navigating things in real life.
In the end your kid leaves with a book. And maybe you leave with a book, too,
If that happens then you and your kid can read together and talk about the story.
Together you find that learning is fun. And who doesn’t like fun with their kids?
The Drag Queen Story Time Story
Kid: Daddy, why do the women have such deep voices?
Parent: Well honey, they are men dressed in lady’s clothes.
Kid: I’ve never seen ladies dress like that.
Parent: Me neither. It’s like they’re actors in a play.
Kid: What’s a play?
Parent: It’s a story told by real people dressed up like characters.
Kid: That sounds fun.
Parent: Maybe we should find a play to read.
Kid: We could be characters.
Parent: I’ll be the librarian.
Kid: And I’ll be the person looking for a book.
Parent: I’ve found your book.
Kid: But I didn’t tell you what I was looking for.
Parent: Let’s get started. I know what I’m looking for.
Tigard Library Drag Queen Violence Canceled
Library violence has the sound of violence in other places that were an awful shock.
Grocery store, church, school, bar.
Shopping center, movie theater, community center, McDonalds.
The suspect entered the library at 4:15 pm MST on Monday, August 28, 2017, and went into the restroom. He began shooting shortly after he came out of the restroom.
At the time of the shooting, it was unclear how many people were in the library and Jouett seemed to fire randomly as individuals and parents with children tried to flee.
According to an eyewitness, the gunman entered the library and shot into the carpet, shouting “Run! Why aren’t you running? I’m shooting at you! Run!” before he began to move about the room shooting at people.
Another witness claimed that Jouett looked happy, that “He was just laughing, smiling the whole time, until he came up real close to me, and then he put on that mean look.”
Take another look at the story time picture. Those are moms and dads with their kids.
If you’re not in the picture, that’s okay; if you are in the picture, that’s okay.
What you don’t see is the aftermath of a mass casualty event.
No one in the picture has done anything to die for, whether dressing up for drag queen story time, or bringing kids to the event in the Tigard Library.
I don’t know anything about the threats of violence, but I don’t suppose it included a strongly worded letter to the head librarian.
Why not learn to use communication tools more effectively?
Than can happen in a library.
Instead, Tigard Public Library is closed to the public on Sunday.
Is anyone planning on stopping by?
Library Learning Starts Here
Tigard Public Library services.
Whatever you’re looking for you’ll find it at the Tigard Public Library.
If you can’t find it, ask a librarian for help.
They love to help.
Just not on Sunday, not on your day off, because someone else decided to change the schedule for everyone else because they don’t like a particular event.
That’s not good for anyone interested in learning with their kids.