One of the best parts of being married long term is sharing the other person’s ups and downs. Over time you get to see how they make their way in the world, to see the face they present to each new challenge.
My wife, Elaine, aka Dr Mole of online, arrived at a career crossroads. Would she re-launch her practice focusing on aesthetic medicine, or plan a retirement party.
With the entrepreneurial spirit that runs in her family, she opted to expand her growing practice.
It wasn’t the first time.
Twenty two years ago Dr. Elaine Gillaspie moved her practice from NW Thurman to Hillsdale. She went from sharing office space with another naturopathic doctor to a small office and treatment rooms in Hillsdale.
Along the way she gathered the seeds for Portland Wellness Center. Eventually she negotiated leases with a large cast of health practitioners under one big umbrella. She hired great office managers who hired and trained others to keep a consistent theme of excellence. When one Heather replaced another Heather I knew something special was happening.
Workers who show up, do their job and go home, miss the excitement of the entrepreneurial spirit. They miss the depth of relationships shared in places like the Hillsdale Business and Professional Association. Always going above and beyond, Elaine co-directed the sprawling Hillsdale Blueberry Pancake Breakfast, enlisting kids, friends, and a husband for the once a year community celebration.
One thing all entrepreneurs have in common is knowing the value of the community they serve. Whether online, in person, or a hybrid of both, being ‘present’ is the first step of building trust. It was a fun time watching Elaine interact with a group of volunteers and how she reduced the anxiety and stress of setting up and taking down a blueberry breakfast that has grown into near street-fair status.
A key to business success is knowing the forces that drive change for better outcomes. Reading patient reviews on yelp showed the sort of professional group Elaine gathered. They also show the sort of profound change her patients experienced after deciding to remove moles and skin tags.
A new space opens new opportunity. A great space enhances the experience for all patients. Dr Mole will be the same consistent health care provider she showed in Northwest Portland and Hillsdale. As a partner in renovation I’ve seen each building evolve with her vision. The new office on 11030 S.W. Capitol is no exception.
In most jobs there can be a distinct difference between public and private persona. Any change can be stressful, but moving an entire practice with a hands on approach takes a special sense of calm. It’s the sort of calm her patients find when they make their appointments.
Elaine grounds herself in nature, but it’s more than lip service to the naturopathic profession. She recharges and renews with trips to the coast and hikes on the rocks.
With a strong connection to nature, her connections to friends, family, and the community are even stronger. I’ve asked why she spends so much time trying to help others. “Because it’s the right thing to do,” she said. “I can help others, so I do.”
During a recent gathering she hosted a group of high school friends before a memorial for their oldest best friend and one time student body president. Being around someone else’s high school friends can be awkward for the outsider, like me.
Instead, this was as welcoming a group as any I’ve met at my own reunions. It was a varied gang that included scholars, homecoming queens, restaurant designers, executive administrators, moms and wives.
And Dr Mole. They all smiled when they heard about Dr Mole. So did I.