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Dog time started right on schedule.
Sixteen years with precious Daisy the Wonder Dog, followed by four years of mourning, then this.
Three years ago we signed up for another round of Dog World.
I think she might be a keeper.


She started so small, just a tiny puppy.
Then she grew, grew a little more, then got huge.
I said we needed a big dog to replace our miniature dachshund.
Checked that box.


She had a personality from the start, and added more from us.
No bad dog, just bad owners, right?
This is not a bad dog, in spite of appearances.


My Good Girl In Dog Time 


We started with big plans, like no dog on the couch.
But the dog loves the couch. Who wouldn’t.
But rules were rules, which aren’t the same rules today.


Break the rules and do the time.


Three years later we all cuddle on the couch and the dog jail is gone.
I think she’s happy about that.
We are.
In three years we trust her alone in the house.


Singing The Dog Song

This doggo wants to take part in activities.
She likes to travel, never complains about the back seat, about the view.
When she hears my guitar she comes over and learns on my feet.
A dog ‘foot warmer.’
She’s been to the beach, been to New Mexico and back.
Dogs weren’t allowed everywhere.


Desert dog to beach dog, this is one adaptable hound.



We try and see eye to eye on things.
Like grooming.
This is a well-groomed dog.
I have days when she’s an inspiration.

I’m looking forward to our coming years together.
My wife said we needed something to nurture, and she was right.
And this is our nurturing victim.
So far so good.
In dog years she’s twenty-one.
Seven years from now she’ll be my age today.
She’s looking forward to more dog time.
So are we.



About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.