Dog lessons begin with a special dog.
Since all dogs are special to every family who lives with one, this particular dog is the prime example.
Why this dog? It’s the dog I know best, the dog who knows me best.
First a note on dog owners:
I’ve heard them call their dog fur babies, as important as kids, and a reason to live.
They are all of that and I don’t argue the point.
If someone is the attached to their dog, good for them.
And good for their dog.
But that’s not my dog relationship.
Even though I’m on my fifth dog in my married adult life my wife won’t admit I’m a ‘dog person.’
It makes me wonder how many dogs it would take to convince her, but that’s the sort of marriage we’ve got.
I’m a dog person and she’s a tough sell.
Luckily for both of us, our dog is the difference maker.
No, I didn’t say she likes me better, or that I like the dog better than my wife.
Who would say that?
Dog Lessons From More Than A Family Dog?
Me: Honey, what do you want to watch tonight?
Wife: Let’s watch Yesterday.
Me: What about the dog?
Wife: Yes?
Me: She wants to watch her show.
Wife: Okay.
So we went out into the cold garage. Why? Because that’s what dog people do.
Married dog people do this all the time.
The dog has a coat, I’ve got a coat. It all works out.
Lounge Dog AND Action Dog Lessons
When a dog decides to relax, it’s a teaching moment.
More of a learning moment for the rest of on how it’s done.
Warm. Fed. Loved. And goodnight.
That’s how it’s done based on my observations and experience.
Is everyone warm, fed, and loved. Anyone?
Cherish the moment because things change fast.
Indoor Dog AND Outdoor Dog
Who puts their dog in a raincoat?
My neighbor.
I scoffed at the idea of pampering the dog that much.
But, it’s Oregon and it rains.
Drying the dog off every time we go out ran through lots of towels, so the raincoat makes sense.
It’s not the same as the person wearing a dog utility belt with every tool for every possibility on it, or in their dog pack.
Is that a high maintenance dog, or a high maintenance dog owner?
Since It’s Oregon And Wintertime Things Get Icy
Turns out the dog is happy in the snow and ice, comfortable even.
She goes out and won’t come in unless I bribe her.
Which means I go out, too.
What is it about watching a dog cavort that brings joy?
There’s a common spirit that crosses centuries of dogs as pets.
Good people see their dog as a portal to the animal kingdom we all came from.
Bad people see dogs as filthy beasts.
Here’s a heads-up: If we’ve learned one thing from the Covid pandemic it’s that we’re all filthy beasts.
Why not get over your misguided perceptions.
You don’t have to get a dog to prove anything, just be friendly.
Be as good and kind as a decent dog.
If you’re thinking, ‘Don’t compare people to dogs,’ I say I’m not.
Trust me, I’d never do that.
Who’s a good boy?