From Dr. Hook To Dr. K. Cylvia Hayes Sings The Song.
Like any responsible blogger I read the news.
Online, cable, paper delivery. That’s being responsible.
Call it part of a dying baby boomer culture but a newspaper makes real things more real.
It can’t get more real than the front page of the Oregonian’s portrait of Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber’s lady friend/fiance.
The following are the thousand words to go along with that picture.
” Cylvia Hayes lips part to show her model pout, or to give a soft whistle.
“You know who she’s whistling for? Not the Guv.
“He doesn’t need a whistle. Or a bell.
Cylvia Hayes whistles for you, my friends, while doing that funky hand-jive made famous by the Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz.”
With her high cheek bones and ocean-deep eyes, she’s whistling for you. Call it movie soundtrack tune.
Here’s a deal maker pushing clean energy and economic development as reported by an Oregonian/Oregonlive investigation.
A BoomerPDX investigation reveals everyone likes the idea of clean energy and economic development.
So what’s the problem?
If an anonymous lobbyist pushing clean energy and econ dev met with elected officials in the proverbial ‘smoke filled room’ would you care?
Most likely we wouldn’t know about it.
So what if an industry leader paid their lobbyist enough to spread the wealth.
If their representative bent some arms, made some promises, contributed to a few campaigns? It’s called business as usual, or doing business, or getting things done.
Instead of some slick suited man doing deals you’ve got Cylvia Hayes in your face.
She connected the dots and got a deal done. Out in the open. Not a stinky back room full of career failures congratulating each other on one hand with their indignant righteousness in the other.
“I resent the implication of impropriety,” they say when questioned about ethics.
We’re used to it.
From “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” to “Iraq is importing yellow cake uranium to build more weapons of mass destruction” to “if the glove don’t fit, you must acquit” we’ve heard quite a bit.
If that’s a trip down memory lane, remember that was then. This is now.
You know who Cylvia is. You know who she’s with. You even know the kind of money she makes.
You know her deals.
Clean energy and jobs are campaign promises designed to get votes. Getting clean energy and jobs bills closer to a vote in the legislature is a career move.
Ask yourself why no one else has been pushing clean energy ideas and job creation this hard.
Think of Cylvia Hayes on a clear day.
Think of her when new companies open up their Oregon facilities.
Cylvia Hayes is whistling clean air.
So are you.
Now our girl is linking to Monica Lewinsky? Call it throwing links on the wall to see what sticks.
Who else is fair link game? Eva Peron? Eva Braun? Imelda Marcos?
Cylvia isn’t a woman scorned. Just the opposite. She’s adored by her man, even though she done him wrong.
Is there a link between cyber bullying and Cylvia, or just good news reporting.
You could see Joel Iwanaga on the story, but he’s out to lunch.