Continuity conditions start with the first word.
Continuity: uninterrupted connection, succession, or union.
When you get on a roll and stay on it, that’s continuity.
But what if the conditions for continuity aren’t right? They aren’t right in a relationship, a family, or work life?
If that’s what you’ve got going on, it may not be the conditions that aren’t right, it’s something else.
Today marks the third in a row of posting for a new name on this blog to replace boomerpdx.
It’s also the third day of no new prospects. Day after day, week after week, month after month I’ve written and posted.
Every year the continuity conditions for boomerpdx have been that good.
So why change? If you’re asking, then I’m answering. Let’s face it, I’m answering whether anyone asks, or not.
Why Change Anything?
People my age, baby boomer aged, have heard this all their lives:
“The only consistent in life is change.”
I didn’t like it the first time I heard it and still don’t. The saying is designed to confuse teenagers. The first time I heard it was from a business owner low-balling employees.
Followed by:
“The harder you work, the more things change.”
In other words shut up and do your job. Don’t worry about change, because that’s what the boss paid instead of a fair wage.
Who pays a sixteen year old kid seventy five cents an hour to build and wire trailers for expensive boats? And charges him for shop tools?
Sound familiar yet?
While I’m not a fan of change for the sake of change, some things get outdated, like boomerpdx.
“But Davy, it’s just a name. Why obsess over something so small?”
I snagged this from my friend Fay:
It resonates with me now because of my readers.
I’ve got three from India who show up every day. India looks like it needs help. If those three hit boomerpdx for a break, I’m here for it.
Also, if I get name change ideas from India, all the better.
My goal, or one of my goals, is to touch people’s lives with words of hope and show the sort of continuity conditions, what I call habits, for a better way forward.
However, if someone looking for a better way forward reads BOOMERPDX in the url and interprets it as an old guy from Oregon spouting off, it sort of blocks communication.
First of all, I don’t spout, shout, or make demands, (except asking for naming help.)
And I’m not sorry for asking for too much, though asking for anything is a lot.
Continuity Conditions Are Ripe
I’m a fan of continuity. Born on one bay, grew up on another bay, then I married a woman named Bayes.
I fell into the sport of wrestling in high school, did a little college wrestling, a little Army wrestling, and both my kids wrestled.
A college education was a given, right up until I dropped out the first time, then the second. I chased a degree through three colleges during the 70’s, 80’s, and got it in 1990 for the three decade badge.
Both kids got it done in an ‘In Your Face Dad’ way much sooner.
Boomerpdx had it’s origins in a blog named
It had the continuity of reader engagement.
Dear Dave, I am thrilled that your dream of being a writer is unfolding. You were always, since our college days as roomates, a man that loved to share thoughts and question the unquestionable. I’m smiling for you….Ferenc
Hello David…
Oh my… I just found my little scrap of paper I jotted your blog address on after the last Willamette Writer’s meeting. Maybe you remember. You were talking to my son and I nosed into the conversation. Well, I’m glad I did. It led me right here to the intersection where your passions collide.
Coming from a pioneer family in Washington who founded two historical societies and parents who were both City of Kent Historians I find looking back to find how we got to today interesting. Although when young I found my parents a bore, I now know they planted a seed. Or is it just my age ‘wrestling’ to latch onto something I can understand?
Looks as if I have some interesting reading ahead… ellen
Is that sweet, or what?
The Big Name Change Reason
I thoroughly enjoy your blog. Your writing is excellent. I always loved the hilarious Neil & Bob and some random stuff you did now and then, but your blog surpasses everything done previously on the forum, that I read anyway.
I don’t know why I thought you lived in Canada, though. And maybe once upon a time in Philly.
Anyway, just wanted to say how well developed your writing is and I think you could sell your work to some of the better magazines.
All my best,
PS: The piece on your father-in-law is not only compelling to read with an interesting angle and it’s not just emotionally moving and inspiring, but it’s mportant! People have to KNOW this!
BoomerPDX puts a hurdle up on continuity conditions. As a writer I believe people like to know about things, but don’t always want to admit it. Since I’m such a chatty thing, I find and share. Not everyone carries that DNA.
Hi! I’ve been following your website for a long time now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Kingwood Texas! Just wanted to say keep up the great job!
My motto is not ‘To Serve And Inform’ but it could be. My new name needs to say that without saying it.
Your ideas make a difference to those around you, and no surprise, to me, too. Are we more than just anonymous online ships passing in the night ether?
If you’re reading along, the answer is, “Yes, we are more.”
Now, about that name change to improve continuity conditions?
I’ll be right here waiting.